andig / videodb

The videoDB media collection software
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suggestion : create engines for OMDB API , IMBD json api, TMDB api , rotten tomatoes api #19

Open devloic opened 10 years ago

devloic commented 10 years ago

omdb api: imdb json api : themoviedb ap ( TMDb ) i: rotten tomatoes api :

omdb api is available as a mysql database. We could include a remote install mechanism to download/install/activate the db locally in videodb.

andig commented 10 years ago

As far as I know IMDB doesn't have a reliable API- if the inofficial one from IMDB itself works that would be interesting though. Honestly: in the past, too little engines was never a problem. What was a problem was having non-maintained engines en masse that became unusable...

devloic commented 10 years ago

Yes, maintenance is certainly a big problem on the long term. I'd still like to see some kind of meta-engine which would aggregate data from various engines, especially in the perspective of a multilingual videodb .

andig commented 10 years ago

Multilingual videodb sounds a little like issue #2 which might generate more interest than new engines. Metaengine that doesn't force you to choose but takes the best data available is an interesting thought though...

Lewiscowles1986 commented 8 years ago

If I might, I'd like to throw a suggestion into this.

Have a format that VideoDB supports for receiving information via REST; and document a trivial example of a cron based scraper (separate to the project or in an examples folder); That gets information from a source and updates a record in VideoDB.

This way encourages modularised VideoDB components, and keeps the main program lean; as I suspect many people don't want or care to scrape details from IMDB.

andig commented 8 years ago

Definitely good idea. i have a couple more (e.g. replace regexes with CSS selectors engine etc). Unfortunately I don't have time for maintaining videoDB anymore but I'm happy to review and merge any PRs.

Lewiscowles1986 commented 8 years ago

I Know of a library we could use for CSS selectors phpquery composer require coderockr/php-query Code probably needs a refresh for PHP7, but I don't mind looking into both, just give me time :wink: