andir / npins

Nix dependency pinning. Very similar to Niv but has a few features that I personally wanted.
European Union Public License 1.2
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Support for Gitea and other forges #47

Open piegamesde opened 11 months ago

piegamesde commented 11 months ago

I somehow just remembered that there are other ways to host your software other than GitHub and GitLab. Of course we support all generic git repositories, nevertheless there are more forges which could benefit from the additional support.

Potential forges:

Questions that need answering for each one:

To generally keep the scope down, the current restrictions will also be required for new candidates:

lf- commented 2 months ago

I think the cleanest way to implement this in a maximally generic way is to implement Nix's immutable tarball protocol as used by flakehub and as of yesterday, forgejo, which is a trivial amount of code to possibly just upstream into all the forges.

With this you can just give https://some-forgejo/user/repo/archive/main.tar.gz, which is a URL that does not need to be inspected at all.

Here is some hastily written Python I wrote to implement it today:

import subprocess
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
import re
import dataclasses
from typing import Literal
import urllib.parse
import json

class PinSerialized:
    kind: str
    rev: str | None
    nar_hash: str

class TarballPinSerialized(PinSerialized):
    kind: Literal['tarball']
    locked_url: str
    url: str

class PinSpec:

    def do_pin(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        raise ValueError('unimplemented')

class TarballPinSpec(PinSpec):
    url: str

    def do_pin(self) -> TarballPinSerialized:
        return lock_tarball(self.url)

class LinkHeader:
    url: str
    rev: str | None

LINK_HEADER_RE = re.compile(r'<(?P<url>.*)>; rel="immutable"')

def parse_link_header(header) -> LinkHeader | None:
    matched = LINK_HEADER_RE.match(header)
    if not matched:
        return None

    url ='url')
    parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
    parsed_qs = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed_url.query)

    return LinkHeader(url=url, rev=next(iter(parsed_qs.get('rev', [])), None))

def lock_tarball(url) -> TarballPinSerialized:
    Prefetches a tarball using the Nix immutable tarball protocol
    import requests
    resp = requests.get(url)
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td:
        td = Path(td)
        proc = subprocess.Popen(["tar", "-C", td, "-xvzf", "-"],
        assert proc.stdin
        for chunk in resp.iter_content(64 * 1024):
        if proc.wait() != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("untarring failed")

        children = list(td.iterdir())
        # FIXME: allow different tarball structures
        assert len(children) == 1

        child = children[0].rename(children[0].parent.joinpath('source'))
        sri_hash = subprocess.check_output(
            ["nix-hash", "--type", "sha256", "--sri", child]).decode().strip()
        path = subprocess.check_output(
            ["nix-store", "--add-fixed", "--recursive", "sha256",

    link_info = parse_link_header(resp.headers['Link'])

    print(sri_hash, path)
    return TarballPinSerialized(kind='tarball',
                                locked_url=link_info.url if link_info else url,
                                rev=link_info.rev if link_info else None,
andir commented 2 months ago

I'd not be opposed to supporting this. Do we know who else supports this in this way? Also it is worth keeping in mind that a Link-Header field can contain multiple URLs (

lf- commented 2 months ago

I'm not sure if there's any client implementations besides Nix and the software I wrote. Server wise the ones I know of are forgejo and flakehub.