andischerer / atom-svn

SVN integration for atom text editor
MIT License
34 stars 7 forks source link

repository.getOriginURL is not a function #39

Closed michael-gracy closed 6 years ago

michael-gracy commented 6 years ago

[Enter steps to reproduce below:]

Enable this package in Atom v1.30.0 Open a project that uses SVN as it's VCS Atom Version: 1.30.0 Stable System: MacOS 10.12.6 Thrown From: svn package, v0.0.13

Stack Trace

repository.getOriginURL is not a function TypeError: repository.getOriginURL is not a function at subscriptions.add.atom.project.observeRepositories (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at Function.module.exports.Emitter.simpleDispatch (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at Emitter.module.exports.Emitter.emit (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at Project.addPath (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at Project.setPaths (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at serviceHub.consume.provider (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at Provider.module.exports.Provider.provide (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at ServiceHub.module.exports.ServiceHub.provide (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at Package.activateServices (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at Package.activateNow (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at measure (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at Package.measure (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at activationPromise.Promise (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at new Promise (<anonymous>) at Package.activate (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at PackageManager.activatePackage (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at config.transactAsync (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at Config.transactAsync (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at PackageManager.activatePackages (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at PackageManager.activate (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at loadStatePromise.loadState.then (/Users/michael.gracy/Applications/ at <anonymous>



"*": "activate-power-mode": comboMode: enabled: false particles: colours: type: "random" size: max: 2 spawnCount: max: 10 totalCount: max: 200 plugins: playAudio: true screenShake: true screenShake: enabled: false "atom-beautify": bash: beautify_on_save: true executables: autopep8: path: "/usr/local/bin/autopep8" beautysh: path: "/usr/local/bin/beautysh" general: _analyticsUserId: "e12b84b1-53ec-4d4b-8a39-6651a64329c6" python: beautify_on_save: true default_beautifier: "pybeautifier" "atom-ide-ui": "atom-ide-console": consoleFontScale: 1 "atom-ide-datatip": datatipDebounceDelay: 400 "atom-ide-diagnostics-ui": autoVisibility: true showDiagnosticTraces: true showDirectoryColumn: true use: {} "atom-package-deps": ignored: [] "autocomplete-ansible": pythonPaths: "/usr/local/Cellar/ansible/" "autocomplete-python": enableTouchBar: true extraPaths: "C:\\Python27\\Scripts" pythonPaths: "C:\\Python27\\python.exe" useKite: false autosave: enabled: true "config-import-export": defaultPath: darwin: "/Users/michael.gracy/AtomBackups" freebsd: "" linux: "" sunos: "" win32: "" core: closeDeletedFileTabs: true customFileTypes: "source.ansible": [ "yml" ] disabledPackages: [ "language-gfm" "background-tips" "spell-check" "go-debug" "go-plus" "gotests" "ide-go" "language-go" "language-typescript" "linter-checkbashisms" "whitespace" "config-import-export" "editorconfig" "ide-python" "block-comment" "markdown-preview" "atom-ide-debugger-node" "atom-ide-debugger-react-native" "welcome" "go-signature-statusbar" "linter" "save-session" "linter-markdown" ] ignoredNames: [ ".git" ".hg" ".svn" ".DS_Store" "._*" "Thumbs.db" "*.pyc" "*.pyo" ] openEmptyEditorOnStart: false packagesWithKeymapsDisabled: [] projectHome: "/Users/michael.gracy/source" restorePreviousWindowsOnStart: "always" telemetryConsent: "limited" themes: [ "one-dark-ui" "base16-tomorrow-dark-theme" ] titleBar: "custom" uriHandlerRegistration: "always" editor: fontSize: 15 preferredLineLength: 120 showIndentGuide: true showInvisibles: true softWrap: true tabType: "soft" zoomFontWhenCtrlScrolling: true "exception-reporting": userId: "012bfa7f-2aee-50f1-c72a-28283ede957e" "file-types": "": "*": yml$: "source.ansible" "*/group_vars/": "*": "source.ansible" "*/host_vars/": "*": "source.ansible" ".*.yml$": "source.ansible" ".*/group_vars/.*": "source.ansible" ".*/host_vars/.*": "source.ansible" "git-diff": showIconsInEditorGutter: true "git-plus": commits: verboseCommits: true experimental: diffBranches: true general: _analyticsUserId: "3d3d7c16-75de-4691-917d-26048044744d" gitPath: "/usr/local/bin/git" messageTimeout: 10 remoteInteractions: alwaysPullFromUpstream: true pullBeforePush: true "go-config": gopath: "/Users/michael.gracy/source/go" "go-plus": panelDisplayMode: "closed" "ide-python": pylsPath: "/usr/local/bin/pyls" pylsPlugins: mccabe: {} pycodestyle: ignore: [ "E121" "E123" "E126" "E226" "E24" "E704" "W503" "C0301" ] pydocstyle: enabled: true pyflakes: enabled: false rope_completion: enabled: true kite: editorMetricsEnabled: "no" openSidebarOnStartup: true showKiteTourOnStartup: false showKiteTourOnStatup: false showWelcomeNotificationOnStartup: false sidebarWidth: 457 linter: {} "linter-ansible-linting": ANSIBLE0002: true ANSIBLE0005: true ANSIBLE0006: true ANSIBLE0010: true ANSIBLE0012: true ANSIBLE0013: true ansibleLintExecutablePath: "/usr/local/bin/ansible-lint" rulesDirDefault: true "linter-python": enableDebug: true executablePath: "/usr/local/bin/pylama" ignoreCodes: "W292,W391,C0305,W0611,D400,E501,C0301" lintTrigger: "File saved or modified" withPep257: true withPep8: true withPylint: true "linter-shellcheck": shellcheckExecutablePath: "/usr/local/bin/shellcheck" userParameters: "-e SC2064 -e SC2089 -e SC2086 -e SC2006 -e SC2090 -e SC2046 -e SC2140 -e SC2100 -e SC2034 -e SC2155 -e SC2045" "linter-ui-default": alwaysTakeMinimumSpace: true panelHeight: 128 showProviderName: true showTooltip: false statusBarRepresents: "Current File" tooltipFollows: "Keyboard" minimap: absoluteMode: true adjustAbsoluteModeHeight: true "platformio-ide-terminal": style: fontSize: "12" toggles: autoClose: true "project-manager": alwaysOpenInSameWindow: true includeGitRepositories: true savePathsRelativeToHome: true sortBy: "title" "python-tools": pythonPath: "c:\\python27" "save-session": dataSaveFolder: "/Users/michael.gracy/.atom/packages/save-session/projects" script: cwdBehavior: "Directory of the script" tabs: enableVcsColoring: true "terminal-plus": core: autoRunCommand: "/usr/local/bin/bash" mapTerminalsTo: "Folder" mapTerminalsToAutoOpen: true style: {} toggles: autoClose: true "todo-show": findUsingRegex: "/\\b(${TODOS})[:;.,]?\\d*($|\\s.*$|[\\{\\[\\(\\#]. $)/g" sortAscending: false "tool-bar": iconSize: "16px" position: "Left" "tree-view": hideIgnoredNames: true hideVcsIgnoredFiles: true squashDirectoryNames: true welcome: showOnStartup: false zentabs: maximumOpenedTabs: 8 neverCloseDirty: true neverCloseUnsaved: true ".ansible.source": editor: showIndentGuide: true showInvisibles: true softWrap: true softWrapAtPreferredLineLength: true ".ini.source": editor: showIndentGuide: true softWrap: false softWrapAtPreferredLineLength: true ".python.source": editor: autoIndentOnPaste: true ".shell.source": editor: softWrap: true "linter-shellcheck": shellcheckExecutablePath: "/usr/local/bin/shellcheck"

Installed Packages

`Sublime-Style-Column-Selection@1.7.4 atom-ide-debugger-node@0.7.3 atom-ide-debugger-python@0.7.3 atom-ide-debugger-react-native@0.7.3 atom-ide-ui@0.13.0 atom-json-editor@0.4.1 atom-package-sync@0.2.6 atom-shell-commands@1.5.0 autocomplete-ansible@0.1.22 autocomplete-bash-builtins@0.3.5 autocomplete-json@5.5.2 autocomplete-python@1.10.10 busy-signal@1.4.3 comment@0.6.1 config-import-export@0.3.1 dash@1.7.1 editorconfig@2.2.2 file-icons@2.1.24 file-types@1.0.1 fold-lines@0.2.2 git-plus@8.0.2 git-time-machine@2.1.0 go-debug@1.6.2 go-plus@5.8.6 go-signature-statusbar@1.2.3 gotests@0.4.0 ide-go@0.12.3 ide-json@0.2.1 ide-python@1.0.0 intentions@1.1.5 json-colorer@1.0.0 json-generator@0.1.15 jsonlint@1.1.4 language-ansible@0.2.2 language-markdown@0.26.0 language-puppet@0.23.0 language-terraform@0.8.1 linter@2.2.0 linter-ansible-linting@1.3.3 linter-checkbashisms@0.1.5 linter-markdown@5.2.2 linter-perl@0.8.2 linter-python@3.1.2 linter-python-pep8@0.2.0 linter-shellcheck@1.5.0 linter-terraform-syntax@1.2.4 linter-ui-default@1.7.1 lipsum@0.1.0 markdown-pdf@2.2.0 markdown-preview-plus@3.5.0 markdown-scroll-sync@2.1.2 markdown-writer@2.9.0 overlay-status-icons@0.1.6 package-cop@0.2.10 platformio-ide-terminal@2.8.4 project-manager@3.3.6 python-indent@1.1.6 python-nosetests@0.2.0 python-tools@0.6.9 qolor@0.4.2 save-session script@3.18.1 split-diff@1.5.2 ssh-config@0.14.0 svn@0.0.13 todo-show@2.3.2 tool-bar@1.1.7 tool-bar-atom@1.7.0 tool-bar-config@0.1.0 zentabs@0.8.9

No Dev Packages`

michael-gracy commented 6 years ago

Happened right after the upgrade to 1.30.0 Stable.

franmartosr commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue after updating to 1.30.0 Stable.

davideferre commented 6 years ago

The same for me after updating to 1.30.0 Stable.

reubensammut commented 6 years ago

Had the same problem. Added the following line in lib/ and it seemed to work

getOriginURL: (path) -> null

under the line:

getOriginUrl: (path) -> null

davideferre commented 6 years ago

Great, this fix worked for me!

franmartosr commented 6 years ago

The fix worked for me as well, thanks!!!

eescovar commented 6 years ago

Thank you @reubensammut! Please consider creating a pull request so the author(s) can fix it as well.

reubensammut commented 6 years ago

@eescovar Pull request created. I was just waiting to see if it works for others

PointedEars commented 6 years ago

@reubensammut Your Fix WFM. But I think it is better to fix the method call than to add an additional method to cater to the wrongly spelled call. But I have not had time to look at the calling code yet.

andischerer commented 6 years ago

The pullrequest has been merged and a new version(0.0.14) is pushed to apm registry. Thanks to all participants to get this fix shipped. 👌

PointedEars commented 6 years ago

The pullrequest has been merged and a new version(0.0.14) is pushed to apm registry. Thanks to all participants to get this fix shipped.

Thanks. It would be a good idea to find out why the method name changed, and if the old one is still necessary. AFAICS the method call is not in your code.

andischerer commented 6 years ago

The pullrequest has been merged and a new version(0.0.14) is pushed to apm registry. Thanks to all participants to get this fix shipped.

Thanks. It would be a good idea to find out why the method name changed, and if the old one is still necessary. AFAICS the method call is not in your code.

Yes your right, it would be a good idea to research why this call has changed. But i wont put any further effort in this plugin cause i've fully migrated to git and vscode. If anyone would digg a bit deeper im happy to merge the pull request.