anditherobot / translationrequest

Django prototype
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Implement file management #11

Open anditherobot opened 11 months ago

anditherobot commented 11 months ago

Each translation request has many files that are uploaded. Each file is attached to a client.

A file has a status of pending, in progress or completed or void. A file has 2 versions the uploaded version and the processed version To mark a file as completed is needs an uploaded version

File Upload:

Create a web-based interface where client users can upload their files.
Allow multiple file uploads at once.
Provide clear instructions on how to prepare the files for translation (e.g., format, naming conventions).
Implement a file size limit to avoid handling large files that could slow down the system.

File Status:

Implement a status system to track the progress of each file throughout the translation process.
Use the following statuses:
    Pending: The file is awaiting translation.
    In Progress: The file is currently being translated.
    Completed: The translation is finished.
    Void: The file has been cancelled or rejected.

File Versions:

Each file will have two versions: the uploaded version and the processed version.
The uploaded version is the original file that was uploaded by the client user.
The processed version is the translated file that has been processed by the translation system.

Translation Request:

Each client user can create a translation request.
A translation request contains one or more files that need to be translated.
The client user can select the target language(s) for the translation.

Assigning Files to Translators:

Once a translation request is created, the files associated with the request are assigned to translators.
The assignment is based on the translator's availability, expertise, and workload.

Translation Process:

The translator will translate the files assigned to them using a translation tool or software.
The translator will save the translated files as drafts until they are ready to be submitted.

Submitting Translations:

Once the translator has completed the translation, they will submit the translated files back to the system.
The system will then review the translated files for quality and accuracy.

Review and Approval:

The system will perform a series of checks to ensure that the translation meets the required standards.
If necessary, the system will send the translation back to the translator for revisions.

Completing the Translation:

Once the translation has been approved, it will be marked as complete.
The processed version of the file will be saved and linked to the client user's account.

Notifying Client Users:

The system will notify the client user when the translation is complete and available for download.

Downloadable Files:

The client user can log into their account and download the translated files.