andiw99 / Master-Arbeit

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Ideas #12

Open andiw99 opened 1 year ago

andiw99 commented 1 year ago

Just put in ideas for new features or future things to investigate

andiw99 commented 1 year ago

Perform a nan check everytime we write into our files, if we have a nan, we restart the whole simulation with half the stepsize. That way we won't always have to check whether the simulation works.

Also works if we have implemented variable stepsize, we would just set a new tau / error margin

andiw99 commented 1 year ago

check whether your system has a thermic energy of N * T at equilibrium.

andiw99 commented 1 year ago

For antisymmetric quadratic interaction and a harmonic trap, you should be able to calculate the partition function and form that the Correlation function and the correlation length or not, this would be a very similar system to the real world system?

andiw99 commented 1 year ago

Do some kind of RG Calculation to show that you are in the Ising universality class, then you just need to find out what the critical exponents for Ising and its corrections are and then you should be able to do good fits for critical exponent extraction and KZM

andiw99 commented 1 year ago

"In two dimensions many nontrivial models can be solved exactly, and moreover there exists a powerful tool, conformal field theory, that gives exact predictions for the critical exponents and for the behavior at the critical point" -> Estimate your critical exponents with conformal field theory?

andiw99 commented 1 year ago

Deal with the double Well potential as symmetry breaking pertubation?