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"Help" output doesn't fit in an 80-character console window #91

Open steve-m-hay opened 9 years ago

steve-m-hay commented 9 years ago

If I enter the cpan shell and type "h" for help then one line of the output doesn't fit in an 80-character console window. Everything else fits in, and looks like it is deliberately arranged to do so:

cpan[1]> h

Display Information                                                  (ver 2.10)
 command  argument          description
 a,b,d,m  WORD or /REGEXP/  about authors, bundles, distributions, modules
 i        WORD or /REGEXP/  about any of the above
 ls       AUTHOR or GLOB    about files in the author's directory
    (with WORD being a module, bundle or author name or a distribution
    name of the form AUTHOR/DISTRIBUTION)

Download, Test, Make, Install...
 get      download                     clean    make clean
 make     make (implies get)           look     open subshell in dist directory
 test     make test (implies make)     readme   display these README files
 install  make install (implies test)  perldoc  display POD documentation

 r        WORDs or /REGEXP/ or NONE    report updates for some/matching/all modu
 upgrade  WORDs or /REGEXP/ or NONE    upgrade some/matching/all modules

 force  CMD    try hard to do command  fforce CMD    try harder
 notest CMD    skip testing

 h,?           display this menu       ! perl-code   eval a perl command
 o conf [opt]  set and query options   q             quit the cpan shell
 reload cpan   load again      reload index  load newer indices
 autobundle    Snapshot                recent        latest CPAN uploads

Can the ugly wrapping on the "report updates" line be fixed, or do I just have to make my console window wider?