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very small numeric versions can break indexing #192

Open rjbs opened 8 years ago

rjbs commented 8 years ago

Today, EXODIST uploaded a new dist with: $VERSION = 0.000001;

Sure, this should have been a string, but it should have worked anyway, right? Well, here are logs you get if you index his upload in a local clone of PAUSE:

Untarred '/var/folders/tp/xbk5yqfj7vv86jjcgk_cp4wh0000gq/T/UlbG1vMSWa/cpan/authors/id/L/LO/LOCAL/Test2-Essentials-0.000001.tar.gz'
Found 10 files in dist L/LO/LOCAL/Test2-Essentials-0.000001.tar.gz, first Test2-Essentials-0.000001/Changes
Finished with pmfile[Test2-Essentials-0.000001/lib/Test2/]
Result of normalize_version: sdv[1e-06]
error with version in Test2-Essentials-0.000001/lib/Test2/ Invalid version format (non-numeric data) at /Users/rjbs/code/hub/pause/lib/PAUSE/ line 537.
st[$VAR1 = undef;]
Sent "indexer report" mail about LOCAL/Test2-Essentials-0.000001.tar.gz
 Uploading user has no permissions on package Test2::Essentials

PAUSE::pmfile::normalize_version converts the number 0.000001 to 1e-06 by using Dumpvalue.

Later, the code will do this: version->new("1e-06")->numify can't handle versions in scientific notation, and dies.

There are a lot of things here being done in a way that I'd call wrong, but I'm hesitant to fix most of them without a lot of careful checking. I think the simple fix might be, after this line:

    my $sdv = $dv->stringify($v,1); # second argument prevents ticks

Add something like this pseudocode:

    if ($sdv =~ /scientific-notation/) {  $sdv = sprintf "%.30f", $sdv; $sdv =~ s/0+\z//; }

Awful, but better.

(On a related note, we do not detect or report versions that are too wide to fit in the index database slot for version.)

wolfsage commented 1 year ago

Something like...

if ($sdv =~ /e-(\d+)/) {
  my $precision = $1;
  $sdv = sprintf "%.*f", $precision, $sdv;
  print "S: $sdv\n";