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Should PAUSE not index files in eg/ or examples/ ? #226

Open neilb opened 8 years ago

neilb commented 8 years ago

PAUSE doesn't index things in the following directories:

I'm wondering if it also should index examples, in directories eg/ or examples/?

A number of the permissions conflicts are caused by example modules. Sure I can suggest that they name the example for Foo::Bar as Foo::Bar::Example, rather than Example, but since examples aren't installed, then it seems like it makes sense to not index them.

If there's agreement, I'll do a PR for this.

karenetheridge commented 8 years ago

Thumbs up from me.

My dzil plugin bundle lists these directories as no-index, as I've seen them in the wild in distributions I've wrangled:

qw(t xt inc local perl5 fatlib examples share corpus demo)

neilb commented 8 years ago

pull request

I restricted the PR to the list of example/demo directories that I've seen. I haven't done enough checking of share and corpus to be as confident to include those. I'll let Karen do a PR for that :-)

rjbs commented 1 year ago

From PTS 2023: We will do this.

rjbs commented 1 year ago

I am holding off until #405 as it changes quite a bit.