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The indexer needs to spot the new class syntax and create indexing permissions based on that #436

Closed neilb closed 4 months ago

neilb commented 5 months ago

The indexer looks for package Foo::Bar and then checks whether you (or anyone else) has an indexing permission on that package. And if no-one does, then you get first-come.

The new class feature introduces the class Foo::Bar syntax, and in code using this there is no package statement to spot.

In code which has use feature 'class' or use Feature::Compat::Class, then PAUSE should parse the class syntax. But maybe there are other modules which introduced class syntax but don't imply package?

This seems like a good topic for discussion at PTS 2024.

andk commented 4 months ago

We believe this issue has been addressed by applying #447 which has been deployed earlier today