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Add an admin interface for changing the account status, or at least to toggle between 'active' and 'nologin' #438

Open neilb opened 5 months ago

neilb commented 5 months ago

As a PAUSE admin, I'm not able to change a user's state between active and nologin (the ustatus column in the DB) – I have to ask Andreas to do a DB update. It is possible to trigger a change to the state from nologin to active, by changing other fields in the account, but it would be helpful if I could explicitly change this field on a user.

charsbar commented 4 months ago

An email to let the user to know onetime password should also be sent when the ustatus is change by an admin?

neilb commented 2 months ago

An email to let the user to know onetime password should also be sent when the ustatus is change by an admin?

My first gut reaction to this was "we can leave it to the admin to email, as they'll probably be replying", because that's what I do. But we should assume they'll remember, so probably yes, send a quick email.

neilb commented 2 months ago

I've worked out that there's an interface-by-proxy, or whatever the right term is, at least for unblocking someone.

If I change the secret email address field, then if there's a nologin block on the user, it will be removed. I generally add "+pause" to the email address, and then immediately remove it. This only works on the secret email field - changing the public email field doesn't have this (side) effect.

There isn't any way for me to set nologin on a user, other than my existing UI, which is Andreas :-)