Please see if you can debug. It's an essential feature that could make a presentation time flow much smoother.
I need to append the output$... object "" (server.R, 63) to the tabPanel "Data" (ui.R,60) like I do in tabPanel"Correlations" (ui.R,63). When i just past a copy of the output$ to tabPanel "Data", before the image, it throws error that i cannot debug.
User Interface, line 63-66
to the tabPanel "Data" (User Interface, line 63)
but it throws errors when i try debug.
Server.R line 28-30
dscr.cognitive <- "The nine psychological variables..."
dscr.emotional <- "Eight emotional variables are taken ..."
dscr.physical <- "The Eight Physical Variables problem is... "
Please see if you can debug. It's an essential feature that could make a presentation time flow much smoother.
I need to append the output$... object "" (server.R, 63) to the tabPanel "Data" (ui.R,60) like I do in tabPanel"Correlations" (ui.R,63). When i just past a copy of the output$ to tabPanel "Data", before the image, it throws error that i cannot debug.
User Interface, line 63-66 h5(textOutput("")) to the tabPanel "Data" (User Interface, line 63) but it throws errors when i try debug.
Server.R line 133-136
data description
output$ <- renderPrint ({ datasetDescription() })
Server.R line 62-66 datasetDescription <- reactive({ switch(EXPR=input$dataset, "Cognitive Abilities"=dscr.cognitive, "Emotional Traits"=dscr.emotional, "Physical Measures"=dscr.physical
Server.R line 28-30
dscr.cognitive <- "The nine psychological variables..." dscr.emotional <- "Eight emotional variables are taken ..." dscr.physical <- "The Eight Physical Variables problem is... "