andkrau / NuanceResurrection

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Tempest 3000 : Crash on level start / Music test. #17

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

NOTE: wrote this, then and only then did i see "GameCompatibility.txt".

Hello, I don't know if this game is supposed to be working on this emulator just yet, but i assume it's getting worked on from nuance.cfg.

The game crashes when i try to play the first level, or listen to a song in the music test, disabling video backgrounds make me go 1 screen further to the level select/start. but if i leave them on i crash after selecting the singleplayer mode.

Just in case here are the status given by the emulator while the game is frozen :

in the main control panel : 
mpe3: $80010000
mv_s #$804FBA4C, r31

Comm status:

Pending Comm Requests = 0
MPE0 commctl = $00030000, commxmit0 = $8000002c, commrecv0 = $00000000, comminfo = $00170000
MPE1 commctl = $00000000, commxmit0 = $00000000, commrecv0 = $00000000, comminfo = $00000000
MPE2 commctl = $00000000, commxmit0 = $00000000, commrecv0 = $00000000, comminfo = $00000000
MPE3 commctl = $00000000, commxmit0 = $00000000, commrecv0 = $00000000, comminfo = $00a00017

Display status :

Main Channel = ON : Overlay Channel = OFF
Main Channel texture coordinates = (-0.000 0.500), (-0.000 -0.000), (0.500 -0.000), (0.500 0.500)
Overlay Channel texture coordinates = (0.000 0.000), (0.000 0.000), (0.000 0.000), (0.000 0.000)
Main Channel pixel type = 4, Overlay Channel pixel type = 4
Main Channel base = $40010000, Overlay Channel base = $40000000
Main Channel src_width = 360, Main Channel src_height = 240
Main Channel dest_width = 720, Main Channel dest_height = 480
Main Channel src_xoff = 0, Main Channel src_yoff = 0
Main Channel dest_xoff = 0, Main Channel dest_yoff = 0
Overlay Channel src_width = 720, Overlay Channel src_height = 480
Overlay Channel dest_width = 720, Overlay Channel dest_height = 480
Overlay Channel src_xoff = 0, Overlay Channel src_yoff = 0
Overlay Channel dest_xoff = 0, Overlay Channel dest_yoff = 0

mpe status :

Interpreter cache flushes: (1521, 2547, 1703, 0)
Native code cache flushes: (33, 44, 32, 0)
Non-compilable packets: (2437, 4625, 2399, 47)
Overlays in use: (33, 44, 32, 0)
MPE3 intvec1 = $8076037a, intvec2 = $80760480
MPE3 intctl = $00000000, inten1 = $00000000, inten2sel = $00000004
MPE3 intsrc = $a8000020, excepsrc = $00000000
MPE2 intvec1 = $8076037a, intvec2 = $80760480
MPE2 intctl = $00000088, inten1 = $00000000, inten2sel = $0000001a
MPE2 intsrc = $a8000000, excepsrc = $00000001
MPE1 intvec1 = $8076037a, intvec2 = $80760480
MPE1 intctl = $00000088, inten1 = $00000000, inten2sel = $0000001a
MPE1 intsrc = $a8000000, excepsrc = $00000000
MPE0 intvec1 = $20301ff4, intvec2 = $20301c1a
MPE0 intctl = $00000000, inten1 = $0800000d, inten2sel = $00000004
MPE0 intsrc = $a0000020, excepsrc = $00000000
Stack pointers = [0: $20101be0, 1: $20100ff0, 2: $20101000, 3: $20000fd0]
MPE 3:
v0 = (r00: $800dc230, r01: $20300000, r02: $80110aa0, r03: $ffffffe2)
v1 = (r04: $8003de50, r05: $00000003, r06: $00000000, r07: $00000000)
v2 = (r08: $cdcdcdcd, r09: $cdcdcdcd, r10: $cdcdcdcd, r11: $cdcdcdcd)
v3 = (r12: $8003e620, r13: $800b6a90, r14: $00000000, r15: $00200020)
v4 = (r16: $a3000000, r17: $31415926, r18: $59384293, r19: $baaababe)
v5 = (r20: $80112d50, r21: $00000000, r22: $00000000, r23: $00000000)
v6 = (r24: $00000002, r25: $07009e82, r26: $ba9b303f, r27: $ba9b303f)
v7 = (r28: $800b6a94, r29: $806b9934, r30: $8075fdd0, r31: $8075fdc0)
cc/rc0/rc1 = ($00000061, $00000000, $00000000)
rx/ry/ru/rv = ($00400000, $00000000, $00270000, $00000000)
rz/rzi1/rzi2 = ($800150a8, $00000000, $800150ba)
xyctl/uvctl/xyrange/uvrange = ($10400040, $10400040, $00000000, $00000000)
acshift/svshift = ($00000000, $00000000)

Nuance.cfg :







ghost commented 1 year ago

Actually, this issue won't be useless after all. tried playing any of the game's music in sound test, and they all crashed. Playing with the view vector fx workaround works, but only with audio interupts disabled

toxieainc commented 1 year ago

With crash you mean the emulation hangs, or that Nuance itself crashed?

ghost commented 1 year ago

With crash you mean the emulation hangs, or that Nuance itself crashed?

The emulator hangs, the rest of the emulator's GUI stays responsive but the game itself hangs.

TheKins commented 1 year ago

Yeah, can confirm I'm getting this too. Starting a level freezes, playing any song in the music test freezes.