andkrau / NuanceResurrection

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Tempest 3000 : Game patch to do music transitions differently? Or game code help in general.. .. #25

Open toxieainc opened 8 months ago

toxieainc commented 8 months ago

An idea, maybe for somebody who is more skilled at actual Nuon programming:

It seems that the only problems that persist in the current T3K emulation are all related to the playing of the music tracks. a) The looping of tracks is broken (loops waaaaay too early) b) When transitioning between levels that change the music, or when selecting a different track in the options, most of the time the emulation ends up in an endless loop (or rather the game code is stuck in an endless loop, waiting for something???)

So could it be possible to patch the game to get rid of this?

Or, that somebody that can read/interpret the T3K asm code better than me, finds some hints what the game code expects from the Nuon-HW to actually happen when doing a) or b)