andkrau / NuanceResurrection

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version 65 shader compiling issue? #27

Closed gwald closed 6 months ago

gwald commented 6 months ago

Hi again :)

Version 065 seems to have shader compiling issues?


Version 064 runs fine for me. image

And using the version 064 video_m32_o32.fs video_m32_o32_crt.fs files fixes the problem, so I'm guessing there's a bug there? I'm not familiar enough with shader programing to pin point the problem but I would guess it's got something to do with these new lines: uv = clamp(uv,vec2(0.,0.),vec2((720-1)scaleInternal.x,(resy-1.)scaleInternal.y));

I'm using Chomp game sample from the SDK2

toxieainc commented 6 months ago

Could you please try changing (720-1) with (float)(720-1) ?

gwald commented 6 months ago

that complained about the bracket which is strange... image

But replacing all (720-1) with (720.0-1.0) worked fine. Thanks for that.