andkulikov / Transitions-Everywhere

Set of extra Transitions on top of Jetpack Transitions Library
Apache License 2.0
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CHANGE_BEHAVIOR_OUT_IN and CHANGE_BEHAVIOR_IN paramerters for new ChangeText().setChangeBehavior() changes color from original #67

Closed droidluv closed 7 years ago

droidluv commented 7 years ago

I have textview which has a text that changes on click its color value is #FF1D9ECB, on click I call

TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(container, new ChangeText().setChangeBehavior(ChangeText.CHANGE_BEHAVIOR_OUT_IN));

The animation of the text fading out the old text and fading in the new text happens nicely but the original blue color(hex value given above) changes to become green color.

Why does this happen? it doesnt happen for CHANGE_BEHAVIOUR_OUT which I am using for now but I want the behaviour of CHANGE_BEHAVIOR_OUT_IN without the color change.

I am using version 1.7.3 of the library

andkulikov commented 7 years ago

Hi, It was indeed the bug. I fixed it and released in 1.7.4. Thanks I also created a framework bug for that typo in the code: