andkulikov / Transitions-Everywhere

Set of extra Transitions on top of Jetpack Transitions Library
Apache License 2.0
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Transition removeTarget is not working when using constraintLayout animations #80

Closed johnernest02 closed 6 years ago

johnernest02 commented 6 years ago

I tried using removeTarget(View) and removeTarget(int viewId) but it is still animated when I apply a new constraintSet to my constraintLayout

andkulikov commented 6 years ago

use excludeTarget. removeTarget is just a pair action for addTarget, to cancel it;

johnernest02 commented 6 years ago

When I use excludeTarget the view suddenly disappears on start of the transition.

Also do you know why the text gets distorted why the views are animating bounds and positions?

andkulikov commented 6 years ago

suddenly disappears == not animating, as you excluded it from animation. you wanted it? "views are animating bounds and positions" because ChangeBounds transition animates bounds and position. it is not animating text

johnernest02 commented 6 years ago

Ohhh. Is there a way to make it stay the way it is? Not disappearing, not animating, just stay on screen maintaining its bounds and postiion.

For the text I was referring to the same issue as in this issue:

andkulikov commented 6 years ago

Transitions is about animating the change. from previous state to the next state. as your view disappears it means the view is disappeared int the next state. so if it will just stay on the same position visible how it will then became disappeared?

andkulikov commented 6 years ago

if you want this view to stay visible where it was just don't change the visibility or layout params of it