Open DesWurstes opened 6 years ago
You only need to include ui.h:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ui.h"
static void cb(uiEntry *e, void *data){
printf("%s\n", uiEntryText(e));
int main(void)
uiInitOptions o;
const char *err;
memset(&o, 0, sizeof (uiInitOptions));
err = uiInit(&o);
if (err != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error initializing ui: %s\n", err);
return 1;
uiWindow *mainwin = uiNewWindow("test", 400, 400, 1);
uiWindowSetMargined(mainwin, 1);
uiBox *box = uiNewVerticalBox();
uiBoxSetPadded(box, 1);
uiWindowSetChild(mainwin, uiControl(box));
uiEntry *entry = uiNewEntry();
uiBoxAppend(box, uiControl(entry), 0);
uiEntryOnChanged(entry, cb, NULL);
uiEntrySetText(entry, "asd");
return 0;
The implementation of libui also is not in the header; you must either provide a shared library at runtime or link in a static library at link time. Shoving it all into a header will be extremely complicated; likely requiring everything to be renamed with the ui
and uipriv
namespaces, and may result in multiple definition errors (I don't know how nuklear gets around this). It would be based on the static-link mode, though.
BTW, I'm curious - why there are public headers ui_darwin.h
When an user program need them?
User programs won't need them yet (they may become useful late in libui's development for desktop integration), but people who want to write their own uiControl wrappers for existing controls will need them.
Do you plan to have one file to be included, like
? It'd be really useful.