andlabs / ui

Platform-native GUI library for Go.
8.33k stars 651 forks source link

windows7 build fail #265

Open jicg opened 6 years ago

jicg commented 6 years ago

If the introduction of package "_ """, compile error. if removed, it will be compiled.

C:\app\go\goroot\pkg\tool\windows_386\link.exe: running g++ failed: exit status 1
C:/app/mingw-w64/mingw-w64/i686-7.2.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v5-rev1/mingw32/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/7.2.0/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -loci
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
andlabs commented 6 years ago

You do not have liboci installed. That is a problem with not with package ui. Contact them.

jicg commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your reply. What I mean is that other projects can be compiled when introducing go-oci8, for example:, But when using, compile error

andlabs commented 6 years ago

Okay. In that case, what does go build -x say?

jicg commented 6 years ago

Prompt this error

mkdir -p $WORK\jicg\myuitest\_obj\
mkdir -p $WORK\jicg\myuitest\_obj\exe\
cd C:\app\go\mygo\src\jicg\myuitest
"C:\\app\\go\\goroot\\pkg\\tool\\windows_386\\compile.exe" -o "C:\\Users\\jicg\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\go-build772208886\\jicg\\myuitest.a" -trimpath "C:\\Users\\jicg\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\go-build77
2208886" -goversion go1.9rc2 -p main -complete -buildid fce8b751bc5a4e16404db3dab499fcd95481e253 -D _/C_/app/go/mygo/src/jicg/myuitest -I "C:\\Users\\jicg\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\go-build772208886" -I
 "C:\\app\\go\\gopath\\pkg\\windows_386" -pack "C:\\app\\go\\mygo\\src\\jicg\\myuitest\\main.go"
cd .
"C:\\app\\go\\goroot\\pkg\\tool\\windows_386\\link.exe" -o "C:\\Users\\jicg\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\go-build772208886\\jicg\\myuitest\\_obj\\exe\\a.out.exe" -L "C:\\Users\\jicg\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\
go-build772208886" -L "C:\\app\\go\\gopath\\pkg\\windows_386" -extld=g++ -buildmode=exe -buildid=fce8b751bc5a4e16404db3dab499fcd95481e253 "C:\\Users\\jicg\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\go-build772208886\\ji
# jicg/myuitest
C:\app\go\goroot\pkg\tool\windows_386\link.exe: running g++ failed: exit status 1
C:/app/mingw-w64/mingw-w64/i686-7.2.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v5-rev1/mingw32/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/7.2.0/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -loci
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
andlabs commented 6 years ago

Huh, that's odd; go build -x should be saying more than just that... I'll look into why it isn't so we can figure out what's going wrong; stay tuned.

andlabs commented 6 years ago

Oops; sorry about forgetting this.

What does go build -x print for a project where it does work?

andlabs commented 5 years ago

Friendly poke