andlabs / ui

Platform-native GUI library for Go.
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Tracking issue for package ui not having everything in libui, Alpha 4 edition #277

Closed andlabs closed 5 years ago

andlabs commented 6 years ago

Package ui's guts are now in a separate repository,, which undergoes active development and API changes. To keep things sane, package ui now only syncs up to libui on a point release of the latter.

There have been a few in the Alpha 3 range, but I have not yet migrated existing APIs to package ui, both because I know I'm getting rid of them soon and because of other bugs in libui and time constraints (including, but not limited to, being unable to build a linux/386 version of Alpha 3.5). Alpha 4 will stabilize everything again.

All the build and multithreading issues are a nightmare as well. I want to square those away, and those will be part of Alpha 4.

So, package ui will sync with libui on Alpha 4. You can use this issue to monitor when that happens.

Other notes:

andlabs commented 5 years ago

Obsolete; all of the planned stuff for Alpha 4 has now been added (except menus, which will have to wait longer because changing the menu infrastructure is out of scope for the stability-focused Alpha 5)

MatGarreau commented 5 years ago

Hi @andlabs , you said that all planned stuff has been done, but I'm still searching how to set element alignement inside hbox or vbox. Did this objects provides alignement functions ? Is there an easy way to centered text inside an GUI ? Thanks by advance for your response :-)

andlabs commented 5 years ago

No, not yet. You CAN use a uiGrid with a single row or column, though.

MatGarreau commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your answer @andlabs . Do you have this new feature in your todo list ? ;-)

stupidjohn commented 5 years ago

@andlabs hello, i saw the file picker issue been closed, but still not usable yet ?