andlabs / ui

Platform-native GUI library for Go.
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could not determine kind of name for C.crypto_kx_client_session_keys #327

Closed KashifJunaido2soft closed 5 years ago

KashifJunaido2soft commented 5 years ago

My Dockerfile:

FROM s390x/golang WORKDIR /go/src/app ADD BusinessLogicServices . RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y libsodium-dev RUN go get -d -v ./... RUN go run -v ./...

inside my BusineesLogicService there is file crypto.go which imports a golang libsodium library package main

import ( "" )

and inside "" there is file exchange.go which contains following

package sodium

// #cgo pkg-config: libsodium // #include <stdlib.h> // #include <sodium.h> import "C"

var ( cryptoKXPublicKeyBytes = int(C.crypto_kx_publickeybytes()) cryptoKXSecretKeyBytes = int(C.crypto_kx_secretkeybytes()) cryptoKXSeedBytes = int(C.crypto_kx_seedbytes()) cryptoKXSessionKeyBytes = int(C.crypto_kx_sessionkeybytes()) )

output of docker build -t abc . Step 7/7 : RUN go run -v ./... ---> Running in a805355aaa6a ../ could not determine kind of name for C.crypto_kx_publickeybytes

HOST OS = Ubuntu 18.04

docker version: Client: Version: 17.12.1-ce API version: 1.35 Go version: go1.10.1 Git commit: 7390fc6 Built: Wed Apr 18 01:22:24 2018 OS/Arch: linux/s390x

Server: Engine: Version: 18.06.1-ce API version: 1.38 (minimum version 1.12) Go version: go1.10.4 Git commit: e68fc7a Built: Mon Oct 1 14:06:53 2018 OS/Arch: linux/s390x Experimental: false

If i run it without docker containers then it works.

andlabs commented 5 years ago

This does not seem to be a problem with package ui, but rather with That being said, your Docker may be missing a dependency, or may have an older version of it.

KashifJunaido2soft commented 5 years ago

@andlabs Oops sorry, i have opened issue on wrong thread. Anyways still any help from anyone would be appreciated.

andlabs commented 5 years ago

Is this still an issue?

KashifJunaido2soft commented 5 years ago

@andlabs thanks for your concern, issue was resolved.