andoriyaprashant / OpSo

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BUG: No projects available for Linux Foundation #119

Closed ShashankDeepak closed 1 week ago

ShashankDeepak commented 2 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

What happened?


There is no project data available to show for the Summer of Bitcoins.

Proposed Solution

Extract the project list from the Linux Foundation website and arrange them in JSON file format.


ShashankDeepak commented 2 weeks ago

Please assign me this issue.

andoriyaprashant commented 2 weeks ago

@ShashankDeepak Why are you creating a new issue when there is already an issue open for LFX mentorship?

ShashankDeepak commented 2 weeks ago

@andoriyaprashant I thought that issue #89 was just for creating the UI, and since there was no project available to create the UI, I thought it would be better to raise an issue. As fetching project lists and creating UI are both quite big tasks on their own.

andoriyaprashant commented 2 weeks ago

@andoriyaprashant I thought that issue #89 was just for creating the UI, and since there was no project available to create the UI, I thought it would be better to raise an issue. As fetching project lists and creating UI are both quite big tasks on their own.

Okay, so add the projects in this issue and create the UI for the LFX mentorship page in that other issue.

ShashankDeepak commented 2 weeks ago

@andoriyaprashant Okay, will do it accordingly.