rather than scope there are two settings per metaparam:
grp: select one of four(/6) control groups with a unique value
prst: (on/off) randomized preset values unique to this group are used
the prst selector on the grid controls the prst of a particular grp (not track). if no metaparams are prst’ed for a particular grp, it will not be displayed
each metaparam comes with a sprd setting, which sets the scale of a track-specific offset:
track 1: -50% of the range
track 2: 50% of the range
track 3: -25% of the range
track 4: 25% of the range
the function of K2/3 changes depending on the value of prst:
prst off: <-> - hold to adjust sprd (norns or arc)
if only a single track is assigned to the group, do nothing
prst on: x - randomize active prst value
we’ll go ahead and implement these changes on windowparams as well
separate settings for start & length
main use case is using presets for start but not length, or vice versa
whenever 2+ tracks share the len group, special behavior applies and looping is triggered from the lua layer to keep tracks in sync
each trigger frequency operates on a multiple/division of the octave selection for the track. faster tracks retriggered faster, slower tracks retriggered slower
rather than scope there are two settings per metaparam:
the prst selector on the grid controls the prst of a particular grp (not track). if no metaparams are prst’ed for a particular grp, it will not be displayed
each metaparam comes with a sprd setting, which sets the scale of a track-specific offset:
the function of K2/3 changes depending on the value of prst:
we’ll go ahead and implement these changes on windowparams as well