andrea-mattioli / mattiols_hassio_repository

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Not working #25

Closed Luke001IT closed 3 years ago

Luke001IT commented 3 years ago

Ciao Andrea

I did follow all the steps and I got the email from Bticino... I opened the configuration, added all the information as listed but when I open the web interface nothing happen... I think that the problem could be the domain of Hassio since I'm using Nabu casa...

First question: in the bticino application, when I have to input the "first reply url", the url must finish with /callback ? Shall I use the ip here or the domain of nabu casa?

Second question: in the supervisior configuration, at the domain, which url I should use?

I think that the problem is around this story of the domain since if I try to open the webui using the local ip address with port 5588, I arrive to the "get your corde" page, but when I click I get the error...

Can you help?

andrea-mattioli commented 3 years ago

Hi, i didn't try before with nabucasa! could we schedule a remote session to try to solve this problem? on the first reply url you must use your local ip address with /callback ex http://192.168.1.x:5588/callback Regards

Luke001IT commented 3 years ago

I've started over all the procedure and finally I arrived to this: immagine

And finally to this: immagine

But no information on the lovelace... Did I miss something?

andrea-mattioli commented 3 years ago

Luke001IT commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry but I need some more explaination... I dind't have the mqtt.yaml file, I've created a new one with this info: broker: !secret mqtt_broker username: !secret mqtt_hassio_user password: !secret mqtt_hassiopwd discovery: true discoveryprefix: hassio

Should I define the secret in the secrets.yaml file? Shall I add something also to the configuration.yaml? I've tried to find some info over the interent but honestly I couldn't find any...

All the tutorial over the internet show how to set-up mosquitto mqtt from supervisor (which i did) and then to find the integration and add it...

andrea-mattioli commented 3 years ago

Check the official documentation ""

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  username: "MQTT_USERNAME"
  password: !secret MQTT_PASSWORD
  discovery: true
  discovery_prefix: hassio_
Luke001IT commented 3 years ago

Scrivo in italiano che forse ci capiamo meglio... MQTT l'ho aggiunto come integrazione, quindi non serve mettere questa parte nel configuration.yaml... è scritto anche nel documento che hai linkato...

Ora mi viene un grosso dubbio sull'IP del broker... Dove lo trovo? Ero convinto che corrispondesse con quello di hassio 192.168.... Magari è questo l'errore?

andrea-mattioli commented 3 years ago

L'ip del broker è quello di HA... per me il problema è il discovery e il prefix, altri hanno risolto con quella conf che ti ho mandato, io ce l'ho da sempre così e funziona

Luke001IT commented 3 years ago

Solved... I've re-set mosquitto mqtt to default setting and restart hassio... now is working!

andrea-mattioli commented 3 years ago
