Dropbox Uploader is a BASH script which can be used to upload, download, list or delete files from Dropbox, an online file sharing, synchronization and backup service.
If a filename contains a quote mark or backslash, dropbox_uploader fails:
$ ./dropbox_uploader.sh upload "testData/J. R. \"Bob\" Dobbs.txt" du_tests/
> Uploading "/home/jlennox/Git/Dropbox-Uploader/testData/J. R. "Bob" Dobbs.txt" to "/du_tests/J. R. "Bob" Dobbs.txt"... FAILED
An error occurred requesting /upload
Some error occured. Please check the log.
./dropbox_uploader.sh upload 'testData/test\atest.txt' du_tests/
> Uploading "/home/jlennox/Git/Dropbox-Uploader/testData/testtest.txt" to "/du_tests/testtest.txt"... FAILED
An error occurred requesting /upload
Some error occured. Please check the log.
Note that in the latter case, dropbox_uploader's console output is also mangled (it produces beep sounds when the literal \a is interpreted).
If a filename contains a quote mark or backslash, dropbox_uploader fails:
Note that in the latter case, dropbox_uploader's console output is also mangled (it produces beep sounds when the literal
is interpreted).