andreamazz / SubtleVolume

Replace the system volume popup with a more subtle indicator.
MIT License
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MPVolume Hud doesn't disappear with AVPlayerViewController #24

Open gianpispi opened 5 years ago

gianpispi commented 5 years ago

I have a UIViewController with an AVPlayerViewController in it. I disable MPVolume Hud in the ViewController, and it doesn't appear until I play the AVPlayer in the AVPlayerViewController. I know that with

avplayercontroller.showsPlaybackControls = false

the hud disappears, but the problem is that every control disappears, and I need controls, and I prefer to use system controls instead of custom ones.

SubtleVolume works, but when I play the Player controller both the hud and SubtleVolume are visible.

I tried to create a MPVolume and add it to the app window, to the player controller view, but the hud is still visible.

let volumeView = MPVolumeView(frame:
if let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate, let window = appDelegate.window {
    window.insertSubview(volumeView, at: 0)

I've tried almost everything, but I can't figure out what is the problem.

andreamazz commented 5 years ago

Hey @gianpispi I'm not sure I understand the issue, what is your desired result? Consider that SubtleVolume creates internally a MPVolumeView as you can see here. The volume view can't be completely hidden, or the default volume UI will kick in, so I just hide it with a fraction of alpha, as you can see here

gianpispi commented 5 years ago

Hey @andreamazz Thanks for heading back!

Sorry fro the bad explanation. I add the SubtleVolume to my view controller. It hides the Volume HUD perfectly until I start the AVPlayer into the AVPlayerViewController added as child to my first view controller. When I play the video, and try to change the volume, the hud becomes visible as SubtleVolume does. So I have two volume indicators.

I tried to add a MPVolumeView to the AVPlayerViewController, but it doesn't change anything.

andreamazz commented 5 years ago

Can you post a screenshot? If I understand correctly you want the media controls visible, but not the volume bar, right?

gianpispi commented 5 years ago

So the problem is this basically: I have both, and the status bar doesn't disappear.


Thank you!