andreamussap / Axway_Docs4All_Hackathon

Repository for 'Docs as code' project developed by team Docs4All for the Axway Hackathon 2019
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Convert HTML to kramdown Markdown #3

Open andreamussap opened 5 years ago

andreamussap commented 5 years ago


We need a set of docs in markdown format for the hackathon project, so we can edit these docs in Netlifly CMS and on GitHub.

Convert 'API Gateway 7.7 Apache Cassandra Administrator Guide' to markdown


andreamussap commented 5 years ago

Task 1. Verify


If you’re using a static site generator, see the specific Markdown syntax used. With Jekyll, the default Markdown is kramdown. kramdown gives you more capabilities than the basic Markdown...

I didn't find a way to convert HTML directly to kramdown, so will convert it to GitHub-flavored Markdown instead.

"kramdown is largely compatible with GitHub-flavored Markdown"

Task 2. Export Cassandra Admin guide from Flare
