andreapollastri / cipi

Install and manage your server like a pro! With Cipi you don’t need to be a Sys Admin to deploy and manage websites and PHP applications powered by cloud VPS.
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Problema com CIPI #363

Closed ciahype closed 2 years ago

ciahype commented 2 years ago

Olá, me chamo Hiago Não estou conseguindo excluir site e nem adicionar novos servidores!

andreapollastri commented 2 years ago

Hi... can you write in English? I can't understand your lang!

ciahype commented 2 years ago

Hi, my name is Hiago I'm not able to delete site or add new servers!

andreapollastri commented 2 years ago

Ok! Give me some more information... What version are you using? These function worked before today?!? Other functions are working? Did you customize something?

Your errors have no know history and my test and prod panels are running well!

Give me more details! Currently I can't help you!

ciahype commented 2 years ago

I'm using version 3.1.15. I don't know if they worked before first time using this tool. I didn't customize anything. other than that, yes it works.

ciahype commented 2 years ago

after I put the custom URL of the server that these functions stopped working!

andreapollastri commented 2 years ago

Where did you put an IRL? In server detail or in settings?

andreapollastri commented 2 years ago


ciahype commented 2 years ago

in the settings inside the panel!

ciahype commented 2 years ago

Is there any way to install the previous version?

andreapollastri commented 2 years ago

Ok, and now everything works but not delete site and add new server right? Are you using the panel by ip or by the new url? Did you generate a ssl cert for that url?

andreapollastri commented 2 years ago

So you had version 2 before on the same server?

ciahype commented 2 years ago

I can add more I can't delete. access via the new URL. No, the installation was clean!

ciahype commented 2 years ago

the server was cleaned before installing CIPI

andreapollastri commented 2 years ago

Ok! Let me check! To help you I have to replicate the error but I don't have errors in all my panels!

What provider are you using that I'll try on that VPS type! Also if is very strange this issue!

When you click delete do you receive any error message or do you have any JS error in console?

Currently I don't have any element to understand what happens in you case!

ciahype commented 2 years ago

Want dashboard access to see errors?

andreapollastri commented 2 years ago

No no, I don't want private data! I have to replicate the error on a my own system! I'll try to create a vps on your provider! What provider are you using?

ciahype commented 2 years ago


ciahype commented 2 years ago


andreapollastri commented 2 years ago

Ok! I have an operative vps there! Now I try to make a new installation! In the meanwhile check if port 443 is open (aws doesn't open it by default). I will check and I'll update this issue in next hours! Thank you for the issue

ciahype commented 2 years ago

ports 80, 443 and 22 are open!

ciahype commented 2 years ago

I thank you for your attention to my problem!

fatihalp commented 2 years ago

Better to have issue templetes @andreapollastri

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

andreapollastri commented 2 years ago

Hello @ciahype! I've checked Cipi on Aws ec2 and on aws lightsail installing it several times and using it for hours and I didn't found any error! I'm really sorry but I can't help you in this case! If you want, send me your panel credentials (set a temp pwd) via mail at but I don't like to manage other people credentials so if you can avoid I'll be happy! Let me know!

@fatihalp thank you for the suggest! I'll add it soon!

ciahype commented 2 years ago

Find out where the error was. the error was that i was changing the php version of the application thinking i was changing the php version of the website i had.

I redid the installation without changing the php and there was no error!

ciahype commented 2 years ago

The only thing I'm not able to do is use the android version of CIPI!

ciahype commented 2 years ago

I've tried several times, but I get the error: The given credentials do not match any records.

ciahype commented 2 years ago

I tried in many ways!

andreapollastri commented 2 years ago

Hi! You are right! Mobile Application is not updated to new Cipi Version! @ChristianGiupponi is working on it and we have to wait Google play approvements to publish a new release!