andreapollastri / cipi

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Cleaner Account naming #382

Closed ubxty closed 2 years ago

ubxty commented 2 years ago

While creating a new site , the username generated is random , Instead use a cleaner name generation based on domain/site

For eg: If site is => name the account as betasamplecom and ssh login is betasamplecom@

donniewr commented 2 years ago

I'm requesting this feature too.

Noaber commented 2 years ago

Correct me if I am wrong, but @andreapollastri said that the random names is there for security (not guessable)

andreapollastri commented 2 years ago

Hi! In my opinion... Username has to be unique and not refered to site domain (that can be changed). So I prefer to leave the randrom username that generate an unique and secure username for devs.

donniewr commented 2 years ago

(that can be changed).

How can you change that? I think if you use a strong 40 character password there is no risk using simpler SSH usernames.

denogio commented 2 years ago

At least the possibility to chose the username your self would be a great option. just a tick-box: custom username; and then a text field with the custom username, and then db, username path etc. will be the same as that custom username. Should be really simple to implement