andreapollastri / cipi

Install and manage your server like a pro! With Cipi you don’t need to be a Sys Admin to deploy and manage websites and PHP applications powered by cloud VPS.
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port 443 is not listening #419

Open mdsaifurrahmann opened 2 years ago

mdsaifurrahmann commented 2 years ago

hello, hope you mates are doing well. I'm trying to use Cipi to my google cloud platform vm. but the problem is, port 443 is not listening on cipi. another vm instance with cyberpanel is just working fine with the same firewall configuration. but cipi is not listening to the port 443. I don't want to touch or modify the nginx configuration file. though nginx also not listening to the port 443. Can anyone lift any solution of this problem? I'm new user of cipi.

OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. RAM: 2GB Storage: 20GB UFW, Iptables installed and configured. port 443 is opened by GCP firewall.

thanks in advance.

Alnaggar94 commented 2 years ago

What you mean by not listening to port 443? I use cipi with google cloud without any issues.

After creating the site go to the site created then click on the generate SSL and wait for a few seconds it may take up to 5 minutes but usually within 10 seconds then try to access the site with https it will work normal

mdsaifurrahmann commented 2 years ago

What you mean by not listening to port 443? I use cipi with google cloud without any issues.

After creating the site go to the site created then click on the generate SSL and wait for a few seconds it may take up to 5 minutes but usually within 10 seconds then try to access the site with https it will work normal

before modifying the nginx conf, It was refusing the connection while using https. but after adding this line listen 443 to the nginx conf, now it's saying sent an invalid response. I tried to generate the ssl by clicking the generate SSL. But it's not working.

Alnaggar94 commented 2 years ago

Maybe something is wrong with your DNS provider, Make sure you are not behind Cloudflare proxy, and try to issue the SSL manually and see the logs by using this command: (Replace with your domain ) sudo certbot --nginx -d --non-interactive --agree-tos --register-unsafely-without-email

andreapollastri commented 2 years ago

Hi @mdsaifurrahmann! I'm sorry for your issue but SSL works correctly within Cipi... I'm agree with @Alnaggar94! Are you behind any proxy? Did you correctly set you domain DNS? Try to run manually the certbot script and let us know the response!

mdsaifurrahmann commented 2 years ago

Hi @mdsaifurrahmann! I'm sorry for your issue but SSL works correctly within Cipi... I'm agree with @Alnaggar94! Are you behind any proxy? Did you correctly set you domain DNS? Try to run manually the certbot script and let us know the response!

Hi @andreapollastri and @Alnaggar94 After seeing the logs and running cartbot script manually, problem was solved. Thanks for your valuable response. It will be nicer to have DNS zone Editor & Nameserver generator like cPanel to Cipi. It will help a lot the absolute beginners to use cipi instead of cPanel. I hope you'll think about it.

Alnaggar94 commented 2 years ago

@mdsaifurrahmann - I don't think hosting the DNS service is a good idea, it's better to do it with Cloudflare for many reasons such as your server goes down! and Cipi is different from Panels like cPanel and Plesk as those managing only one server, but Cipi allows you to manage multiple servers from the same panel

@andreapollastri - I'm really happy to see you back and can't wait for the v4, Are we going to see the Cloudflare integration with v4?

mdsaifurrahmann commented 2 years ago

@Alnaggar94 Yep, I know Cipi allows us to manage multiple servers. I meant to create an addon-domain, subdomain without changing the DNS record from the Domain control panel. So I thought, It will reduce the time to configure a site for a developer. I found the potential to host DNS, as if I can control everything from Cipi. You know, sometimes DNS Propagation takes a lot. So... But nothing serious. Just my opinion. Thank you.

Alnaggar94 commented 2 years ago

This is what the Cloudflare integration going to do like in Runcloud, Gridpane etc... Simply you add your Cloudflare info (Email,APi) then when you create a site it will automatically add a DNS record for the domain pointing to the right chosen server IP. and when you delete a site it will also delete the DNS record from Cloudflare. and also you will be able to manage DNS records from Cipi panel instead of the Cloudflare dashboard.

mdsaifurrahmann commented 2 years ago

This is what the Cloudflare integration going to do like in Runcloud, Gridpane etc... Simply you add your Cloudflare info (Email,APi) then when you create a site it will automatically add a DNS record for the domain pointing to the right chosen server IP. and when you delete a site it will also delete the DNS record from Cloudflare. and also you will be able to manage DNS records from Cipi panel instead of the Cloudflare dashboard.

That sounds good.