andreas-mausch / whatsapp-viewer

Small tool to display chats from the Android msgstore.db database (crypt12)
MIT License
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Crypt14 cannot be decrypted (again) #120

Closed ymmij321 closed 2 years ago

ymmij321 commented 3 years ago

I am trying to decrypt a recent (26.05.21) crypt14 DB. Keyfile is available. Result: Decryption failed. Error during unzipping. To make sure it is not another problem I created on the same device a new backup and extracted the key again. Result is the same. Did maybe something change in the DB format again recently?

hogiebaer commented 3 years ago

Same problem here. Seems to be the actual WhatsApp Version changed something in the decrypted file. The first bytes (header) seems to change in the decrypted file. I think we have to wait for Andreas

Thx for the very good work

markdrayton commented 3 years ago

Perhaps @torsade has suggestions?

ElDavoo commented 3 years ago

same. few thing I noticed:

  1. Everything is off by one byte, because the "62" value, which is the first byte, changed to BD 01.
  2. Because of 1), WHATSAPP_DBFILE_SERVERSALT_OFFSET = 15 and not 14.
  3. The version number is, so it's one byte more: everything after version number is going to be shifted by one more byte.
  4. After the version number, there is this... strange sparse structure? EDIT: privacy. go see it yourself. issue is closed anyway. lol

What is this? Anybody has a clue? Is is the same across two backup, so it's either unencrypted information or encrypted without salt,iv (?) Since it is right after version information, I guess it's some other version date build id? Or maybe it's a header that describes how to encrypt the following data? (???) Maybe this is related due to the E2E encrypted coming up Google Drive backups. When I read that news I knew the backup format was going to change. I saw it coming.

  1. This structure ends at byte 191, after which everything is different from backup to backup, just like it used to be from byte 62 onwards in the "old" crypt14 format

I will try to code a "bruteforcer" that tries all possible offsets. I know it's ugly but this is my skill level, lol

ElDavoo commented 3 years ago



Some questions arise from what's going on, though:

  1. Should we give the user the ability to decrypt both "old" crypt14 and "new" crypt14 ?
  2. If so, are we just going to copy classes and voice menus again?
  3. What about trying a pre-made list of offsets?
  4. What if the offset keep changing in the future? What about giving the user to choice to input offsets manually?
HuibGroenewegen commented 3 years ago

Hello I'm here just because I need to read a crypt14 file because of accidentally erasing my Whatsapp and could not restore the local database with reinstalling whatsapp. I have the key and the crypt14 file I want to convert to readable text. But my files are from the period around 24-05-21 and don't work with the whatsappviewer get an error message. I saw that ElDavoo made a change with the offsets in a program but this is (not) included in the program I download again? I'm not a pro programmer just like to figure out how to fix this issue. I read the encrypted db in hex and understand more or less the problem with the versions But how do you know where an offset starts? Howmany versions exists since they started with crypt14? Because what I understand that at the beginning the whatsapp viewer did work? image

ymmij321 commented 3 years ago

Hello I'm here just because I need to read a crypt14 file because of accidentally erasing my Whatsapp and could not restore the local database with reinstalling whatsapp. I have the key and the crypt14 file I want to convert to readable text. But my files are from the period around 24-05-21 and don't work with the whatsappviewer get an error message. I saw that ElDavoo made a change with the offsets in a program but this is (not) included in the program I download again? I'm not a pro programmer just like to figure out how to fix this issue. I read the encrypted db in hex and understand more or less the problem with the versions But how do you know where an offset starts? Howmany versions exists since they started with crypt14? Because what I understand that at the beginning the whatsapp viewer did work? image

Actually, that was the scenario why I tried to use whatsapp-viewer, too. My phoned died irreversibly but I have recent local backups which are not recognised by a new WA installation on another phone. Is it possible, that WA's backup restore function is at the moment broken or glitchy? Maybe the WA developers confused themselves by changing the offset again? Can someone else confirm this behaviour of WA?

IvanRus1 commented 3 years ago

Actually i can't too decrypt latest database. I'd deleted my whatsapp app, then i reinstalled it and made backup base. I copied the base and the new key to pc and couldn't decrypt it also. Something new whatsapp developers did with saving database or code in the key or DB. I really don't know what to do @andreas-mausch help us by fixing this error please.

ymmij321 commented 3 years ago

Update: I was able to restore the backup on my new Smartphone. I was writing a bit back and forth with WA Support and my takeaway was that the connection between WA and Google Drive must also exist for local backups. My guess is that WA is saving something there in the app-dedicated storage area although the "real" Google Drive Backup is disabled. (How crappy would that be?) Unfortunately I tested this on my new unrooted used-for-real-life-smartphone so I cannot say if there is some files (or backup keys) added to the inaccessible data folder(s) where one also finds they other key. Maybe someone can check this with an experimental phone and account? I will also try to do so as soon as I have some spare time. Reproducing the steps to restore is a bit difficult since I was doing this in a stressy situation but it went roughly like this:

I do not know if there is an easier way. This is how it worked for me, though. I don't know what would be worse: If it is a bug or even intention to almost render local backups useless. I know all this is a bit OT but probably it helps understanding some new approaches in WA's backup "strategy". Another takeaway: Use Signal if possible ;)

ElDavoo commented 3 years ago


ymmij321 commented 3 years ago

Update: WA support finally admitted it is a "known problem" and "will be fixed in one of the upcoming versions". Doesn't seem to be a priority...

crxed9 commented 3 years ago


I can decrypt a database from May 11th, but I cannot decrypt a database from June.

Is this because of the changed offsets?

Edit: restoring from a local backup (that WhatsApp states is 2.7 GB, always hangs at 39% :( Edit 2: Force Closing WhatsApp at that 39% gave me all the messages of the backup back!

unknowen700 commented 3 years ago

any new update to slove new 14 crypt ?

silentguy256 commented 3 years ago

I guess I have this offset problem as well. I don't have a visual studio handy to compile a version with modified offsets so I'm replying here in the hope that this with remind me if this is fixed. Personally for cases where it's just offsets that make problems I would go with just a list and then using the one that actually works. Maybe even an optional brute force that tries "sensible" values until it finds one that works. Sadly I don't have the option to try to reload the backups into a new installation. Although... Maybe just in an emulator... Hmmm

gnaomo commented 2 years ago

any news?

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

I've been decrypting with a python script for a while (stable version of wa) . some people had issues, but i don't know, it works for me

gnaomo commented 2 years ago

thank you, my db is from the latest beta so it's not working, how do you "brute force" to find the offsets?

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

Use for loops and see if zlib can decode or there is an error. I didn't save my bruteforcer. Values might just be off by one. Try opening a working and not working encrypted backup in a hex editor and see if you can spot the differences.

djedu28 commented 2 years ago

Any news? My WhatsApp has corrupted messages.db, and I can't restore backups

And neither decrypt in WV. I don't know how to find the values

djedu28 commented 2 years ago

I've been decrypting with a python script for a while (stable version of wa) . some people had issues, but i don't know, it works for me

Thank you! With this script everything worked perfectly, I didn't even need to modify anything

andreas-mausch commented 2 years ago

New offsets are used in v1.15

Note: If you have a backup with the old offsets, you need to install v1.14. I don't have plans to support both.

tg5hKVHPyX commented 2 years ago

i just downloaded this software v1.15 (first time using it) and i'm getting the same decryption failed error because of the key and i have no idea why. the local backup file was made an hour ago, it's not an older crypt14.

andreas-mausch commented 2 years ago

Uh. What is your WhatsApp version?

tg5hKVHPyX commented 2 years ago

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

I just tested and it works for me, version . Maybe some people are having different offsets or formats.

HoooooR commented 2 years ago

As ElDavoo said, just update to, then try to decrypt a fresh data backup (you can do the installation offline). Worked perfect with me finally!

codechecking786 commented 2 years ago

I've been decrypting with a python script for a while (stable version of wa) . some people had issues, but i don't know, it works for me

Thank you! With this script everything worked perfectly, I didn't even need to modify anything

can you please help me with this code?

codechecking786 commented 2 years ago

I just tested and it works for me, version . Maybe some people are having different offsets or formats.

i need some help, how can i contact you?