andreas128 / RePaint

Official PyTorch Code and Models of "RePaint: Inpainting using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models", CVPR 2022
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Speed of Diffusion probabilistic models #2

Closed ofirkris closed 2 years ago

ofirkris commented 2 years ago

Great work - results look very impressive. From my experience Diffusion Models are quite heavy in terms of computation, can you share info about the inference speed?

world2vec commented 2 years ago

Also interested, looks it is too slow to really use it.

Mut1nyJD commented 2 years ago

@world2vec and @ofirkris If you think diffusion models are too slow you might want to check out this ICLR2022 submission then from Google Brain team.

andreas128 commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot! Speed is a major issue, we put some ideas together to increase the speed of our inference schedule

Does that help?