andreasgal / B2G

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Samsung S2 1900 make fails with.. #238

Closed arky closed 12 years ago

arky commented 12 years ago

$ make config-galaxy-s2 ..... Resolving Connecting to||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 180896 (177K) [text/plain] Saving to: `/home/arky/src/B2G/glue/gonk/vendor/apns-conf.xml'

100%[======================================>] 180,896 274K/s in 0.6s

2012-03-24 18:14:47 (274 KB/s) - `/home/arky/src/B2G/glue/gonk/vendor/apns-conf.xml' saved [180896/180896]

Extracting binary blobs from device, which should be plugged in! ... Your device has unknown firmware GINGERBREAD.DXKG3

fabricedesre commented 12 years ago

You need to update glue/gonkdevice/samsung/galaxys2/ to add support for this firmware version

arky commented 12 years ago

@fabricedesre Patched the file and issued a pull request