andreasgal / B2G

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No touch responsive after build and flash on Nexus S 4G #256

Open hongyu918 opened 12 years ago

hongyu918 commented 12 years ago

Nexus S 4G with ICS.

Download the master source code and clean build, after flash B2G and reboot, the main screen show a clock, but touch the screen is not responding. the power and volume button work, so the phone is turned to a clock...

build commands: $ make sync $ make config-nexuss4g $ make gonk $ make $ make flash-only $ make install-gaia

log: --------- beginning of /dev/log/main I/DEBUG ( 73): debuggerd: Mar 30 2012 17:18:51 --------- beginning of /dev/log/system I/Vold ( 71): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up D/Vold ( 71): Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media) I/Netd ( 72): Netd 1.0 starting D/Vold ( 71): Volume sdcard state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending) D/Vold ( 71): Volume sdcard state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted) I/ ( 78): ServiceManager: 0xad50 D/AudioHardwareInterface( 78): setMode(NORMAL) I/CameraService( 78): CameraService started (pid=78) I/AudioFlinger( 78): AudioFlinger's thread 0xcb08 ready to run D/AudioHardware( 78): AudioStreamOutALSA::setParameters() routing=2 D/AudioHardware( 78): ### setVoiceVolumel E/profiler( 77): Registering start/stop signal E/AKMD2 ( 77): libkam : Unable to load settings file, using defaults. I/ServiceManager( 77): Waiting for service batteryinfo... I/Gonk ( 77): Socket open for RIL I/Gecko ( 77): -- WifiWorker component: Wifi starting D/FramebufferNativeWindow( 77): mNumBuffers = 2 I/Gecko ( 77): Logging GL tracing output to (null)/firefox.trace I/Gecko ( 77): Attempting load of /data/local/ I/Gecko ( 77): Attempting load of D/libEGL ( 77): loaded /system/lib/egl/ D/libEGL ( 77): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/ D/libEGL ( 77): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/ D/libEGL ( 77): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/ I/Gecko ( 77): Extensions: EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer EGL_ANDROID_swap_rectangle 0x45 I/Gecko ( 77): Extensions length: 113 D/EventHub( 77): No input device configuration file found for device 'compass'. D/EventHub( 77): No input device configuration file found for device 'cypress-touchkey'. E/Keyboard( 77): Could not determine key map for device 'cypress-touchkey' and no default key maps were found! I/EventHub( 77): New device: id=2, fd=45, path='/dev/input/event5', name='cypress-touchkey', classes=0x1, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/cypress-touchkey.kl', keyCharacterMap='', builtinKeyboard=false D/EventHub( 77): No input device configuration file found for device 'lightsensor-level'. D/EventHub( 77): No input device configuration file found for device 'proximity'. D/EventHub( 77): No input device configuration file found for device 'herring-keypad'. E/Keyboard( 77): Could not determine key map for device 'herring-keypad' and no default key maps were found! I/EventHub( 77): New device: id=5, fd=46, path='/dev/input/event2', name='herring-keypad', classes=0x1, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/herring-keypad.kl', keyCharacterMap='', builtinKeyboard=false D/EventHub( 77): No input device configuration file found for device 'gyro'. I/EventHub( 77): New device: id=7, fd=47, path='/dev/input/event0', name='mxt224_ts_input', classes=0x14, configuration='/system/usr/idc/mxt224_ts_input.idc', keyLayout='', keyCharacterMap='', builtinKeyboard=false E/EventHub( 77): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mice, Not a typewriter W/InputReader( 77): Invalid value for touch.size.calibration: 'normalized' I/InputReader( 77): Device reconfigured: id=7, name='mxt224_ts_input', surface size is now 480x800, mode is 3 I/InputReader( 77): Device added: id=7, name='mxt224_ts_input', sources=0x00002002 I/InputReader( 77): Device added: id=5, name='herring-keypad', sources=0x00000101 I/InputReader( 77): Device added: id=2, name='cypress-touchkey', sources=0x00000101 E/GeckoConsole( 77): Attempt to use JS function on a different thread calling nsIDirectoryServiceProvider.getFile. JS objects may not be shared across threads. I/ServiceManager( 77): Waiting for service batteryinfo... I/GeckoDump( 77): Opened socket on 9999 I/Gecko ( 77): SmsDatabaseService: Opened database: sms 1 I/Gecko ( 77): SmsDatabaseService: Started transaction [object IDBTransaction] of type readonly I/Gecko ( 77): SmsDatabaseService: Retrieving object store sms I/Gecko ( 77): SmsDatabaseService: Could not get the last key from sms database. Probably empty database E/GeckoConsole( 77): [JavaScript Error: "The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must to be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol." {file: "data:text/html,%3C!DOCTYPE%20html>%3Cbody%20style='background:black;'>" line: 0}] I/Gecko ( 77): SmsDatabaseService: Transaction [object IDBTransaction] completed. I/ServiceManager( 78): (B2G) Returning fake true permission: android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS from uid=0 pid=77 I/ServiceManager( 78): (B2G) Returning fake true permission: android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS from uid=0 pid=77 D/AudioHardware( 78): ### setVoiceVolume_l I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/GeckoDump( 77): XxXxX adding permissions for I/Gecko ( 77): ======================= webapi+apps.js ======================= I/ServiceManager( 77): Waiting for service batteryinfo... E/GeckoConsole( 77): OpenGL LayerManager Initialized Succesfully. E/GeckoConsole( 77): Version: OpenGL ES 2.0 E/GeckoConsole( 77): Vendor: Imagination Technologies E/GeckoConsole( 77): Renderer: PowerVR SGX 540 E/GeckoConsole( 77): FBO Texture Target: TEXTURE_2D I/Gecko ( 77): RIL Worker: DateTimeZone string 12/03/31,10:31:38+32,00 I/Gecko ( 77): RIL Worker: voice registration state: 1,,,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0 I/Gecko ( 77): RIL Worker: voice registration state: 1,,,6,0,0,0,0,14124,54,1,1,0,0 I/ServiceManager( 77): Waiting for service batteryinfo... I/Gecko ( 77): RIL Worker: DateTimeZone string 12/03/31,10:31:39+32,00 I/ServiceManager( 77): Waiting for service batteryinfo... I/Gecko ( 77): RIL Worker: voice registration state: 1,,,6,0,0,0,0,14124,54,1,1,0,0 I/Gecko ( 77): WIFI: load_driver returned: 0 I/Gecko ( 77): WIFI: startsupplicant returned: 0 I/Gecko ( 77): -- WifiWorker component: detected SDK version 10 I/Gecko ( 77): WIFI: connect_tosupplicant returned: 0 I/Gecko ( 77): -- WifiWorker component: Connected to supplicant I/Gecko ( 77): -_- WifiWorker component: Got mac: 78:D6:F0:77:53:7D I/Gecko ( 77): -*- WifiWorker component: State change: UNINITIALIZED -> DISCONNECTED