andreasgal / B2G

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Timeout causes phone to go blank - requiring hard reboot #267

Closed jammink closed 12 years ago

jammink commented 12 years ago

gaia commit b4388a51df62b79f161536cf56cea980e97d75ae b2g commit fd32ad8833e43dcc91f5541417938ee65ed37bf7

Samsung Galaxy SGS2 Nexus S

After approx: 55 seconds, the phones go blank, and apparently die. It is only possible to restart the phone by taking the battery out, replacing, and restarting with power.

jammink commented 12 years ago

Reproduced on Nexus S for the latest ICS build.

Logcat here:

jeffgca commented 12 years ago

This happens for me, 'classic' sgs2 build, no way to wake the device from sleep leading to a battery pull.

robhawkes commented 12 years ago

I've been experiencing this for a few days now on an S2 device.

jeffgca commented 12 years ago

More detail:

I hooked up the phone to my computer with logcat running and let it time out. Adb continues running and I can see log message produced by the phone when I hit volume up/down, but no event happens when I press the power or home buttons. If I press the power button for a very very long time, the phone re-boots and adb quits.

robhawkes commented 12 years ago

To clarify… like @canuckistani, I can still access the device through ADB when it's 'dead' but none of the hardware buttons do anything unless I reboot the device (either through ADB, removal of battery, or a long press on the power button).

atilag commented 12 years ago

I'm not sure if I've had the same problem on my SGS2 some weeks ago. But the behaivor was the same that you are describing. It seemed like "b2g" process stops responding, I can made it work again by killing the process from adb shell: "killall b2g", and restarts it: "/system/b2g/b2g" I fixed this issue by updating Gaia... (I suppouse you already did, this is cause I'm not sure if this bug is the same I got)

jeffgca commented 12 years ago

I pulled from master this morning and updated gaia - it seems to be working fine now. Rob: you should try doing the same?

robhawkes commented 12 years ago

Just pulled the latest Gaia and pushed it to the phone. The lock/blank screen bug seems to be gone now.

jammink commented 12 years ago

I have seen the same problem - and have seen it go away also. What seems to be happening is that the button handlers are part of gaia - when these aren't there - pushing the buttons has no effect, and so the screen goes blank, never to be resurrected. Closing - but noting to self that this is a regression case, because I have seen this come and go.

jeffgca commented 12 years ago

I think what is also happening is that gaia is doing soem sort of 'update' to a previous version after I update it.

Here's what I did:

Does this make sense? It's kind of annoying if the update service squashes my local changes after I've been hacking. How do I turn off updates?

huwge commented 12 years ago


I am using git commit 0ef4c72ec498f96c047e98135e87400b1c150bbd of gaia and I am being bitten by this problem. The device seems to be dead, adb can still talk to it and killing b2g in the adb shell gets me working again.