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[nexuss-ics] After |make flash-only|, adb doesn't work #279

Closed mikeaich closed 12 years ago

mikeaich commented 12 years ago

After running |make flash-only|, I can't get adb to connect to my Nexus S running ICS. The only recourse seems to be a battery pull followed by VolUp+Power to get into the bootloader, then running |./| in a stock firmware download folder.

Once the stock firmware is installed, Settings > Development > Enable USB can be used to restore adb access, long enough to |make flash-only| the device, after which adb can't connect again.

In all cases, |lsusb| sees the device (and sees it go away when I unplug it); when adb isn't working:

lsusb Bus 001 Device 045: ID 18d1:4e21 Google Inc. Nexus S

When adb is working (stock ICS 4.0.4 load only):

lsusb Bus 001 Device 046: ID 18d1:4e22 Google Inc. Nexus S (debug)

cat /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

mikeaich commented 12 years ago

If the problem change is on our end, it was possibly introduced some time between April 16th and April 22nd. (Confirmed that the build from an older tree allows adb connections.)

mikeaich commented 12 years ago

Somehow, the generated root/default.prop file had picked up a second version of the persist.sys.usb.config line, one which did not include adb, and overrode the earlier directive. Nuking this file, rebuilding, and reflashing solved the problem.