andreasplesch / x_ite_dom

link x_ite to the DOM
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DOM injected in X3DCanvas after x_ite_dom is load is not processed #38

Open create3000 opened 2 years ago

create3000 commented 2 years ago

I came along this bug while I checked the D3 examples, but does sometimes not load. This happens especially in Chrome. If it takes to long to load the CSV then x_ite_dom is already loaded and first then d3 adds X3D DOM elements to the X3DCanvas, but these are not processed.

The script in the HTML page outputs a 'done' to the console when finished. If that 'done' comes after 'X_ITE XHTML DOM integration enabled' output from x_ite_dom, then the canvas left black.

andreasplesch commented 2 years ago

Ok, hm. I am not sure I understand the timing completely. Perhaps it is a matter of mutations.

The sequence probably is:

andreasplesch commented 2 years ago

Using the debugger I found:

andreasplesch commented 2 years ago

@jamesleesaunders: here is a more robust way to dynamically construct the x3d:

<X3DCanvas id="chartholder" style="width: 500px; height: 500px;"><X3D></X3D></X3DCanvas>

  <p>The Bell Labs Pollen data set: In the 1980s, the ASA (American Statistical Association) held a data competition challenged contestants to find as many features as possible in a 5 dimensional data set of 4000 cases. Among other important (known) features in the data set, in a scatterplot of three of the dimensions, the word ’EUREKA’ was clearly apparent. Participants had a deadline, but were not timed; the number of insights or features identified by the contestants was used to judge the winner(s). (Handbook of Data Vis pg179)</p>
  <p>Dahshan & Polys 2021</p>
  <p>Available at: <a href=""></a></p>

    function loadChart(data) {
      // Select chartholder

//AP use detached dom to build the x3d
      var ch = document.createElement('container');
      var chartHolder =;

      // Declare the chart component
      var myChart = d3.x3d.chart.particlePlot()
        .mappings({x: "ridge", y: "nub", z: "crack", size: "density", color: "weight"})

      // Generate chart
//AP: add the complete scene to the existing X3D

This will work without the timing issues.

x_ite_dom could also observe the whole html document for X3DCanvas insertions and changes. But currently this is not a goal.

However, there should be a way/API to trigger x_ite_dom to restart, on demand. Currently, one would need to reinsert the script node with x_ite_dom.js to do that. Should this restarting be part of x_ite.js in some way ? I guess, I could wrap the whole script into a global function X3D_start_dom(), and keep track of the mutationobservers to remove all on restart.