andreasvarga / MatrixEquations.jl

Solution of Lyapunov, Sylvester and Riccati matrix equations using Julia
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Derivative of cholesky factorization #23

Closed blegat closed 1 year ago

blegat commented 1 year ago

Given a Cholesky factorization Q = U'U and a symmetric matrix dQ, I would like to find the matrix dU such that dQ = U' * dU + dU' * U. The equation is similar to the ones of this package but does not seem to match any, or does it ?

baggepinnen commented 1 year ago

arec solves A'X + XA - (XB+S)R^(-1)(B'X+S') + Q = 0 so with

X = dU
A = U
Q = -dQ
R = I
B = S = 0

you have a match? Not sure if B=0 is accepted though?

baggepinnen commented 1 year ago

And sylvc solves AX + XB = C, so with A = U', B = U maybe this would work better?

blegat commented 1 year ago

That's what I thought but the issue is that they compute a PSD solution X and it won't work, e.g., if A has eigenvalues of positive real part and Q is PSD (as the system is unstable and a feasible PSD X would give a Lyapunov function). Here, I am looking for a nonsymmetric X.

andreasvarga commented 1 year ago

This equation has a Lyapunov-like form


and there is no solver for it in MatrixEquations.

However, an approach to solve this equation has been proposed in

H. W. Braden, The Equation $A\sp{T}X-X\sp{T}A=B$, Siam J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 20, 395-402, 1998. [Siam J. Matrix Anal. Appl.]

A generalization of this equation is the Sylvester-like equation


for which a solution method is described in

F. De Teran and Froilan M. Dopico. Consistency and efficient solution of the Sylvester equation for ⋆-congruence. Electronic J. of Linear Algebra, 22:849–863, 2011.

Interesting information on these equations is also provided in


andreasvarga commented 1 year ago

For your case, a solution (non-unique) can be determined in two steps. If we denote Y = U^TdU, then we solve for Y first Y + Y^T = dQ and then compute the solution by solving Y = U^TdU `` In Julia, this can be done in one line

dU = U'\(0.5*Diagonal(diag(dQ))+triu(dQ,1))

blegat commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the detailed answer. I just thought that if U is upper triangular and we want to constraint dU to be upper triangular as well, there is a unique solution. It can even be computed in-place by modifying dQ. See I'll go over the reference to see if they mention that upper triangular case (this is in the context of the revision of Indeed, the one line would work but it would not provide an upper triangular solution.

andreasvarga commented 1 year ago

The general solution according to

Explicit solution of the operator equation A∗X + X∗A=B Dragan S. Djordjevic Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 200 (2007) 701–704


dU = U'\(0.5*dQ)+ Z*U

where Z is any skew-symmetric matrix. I wonder if there exists a skew-symmetric Z to annihilate just the lower triangular part of any given solution.

andreasvarga commented 1 year ago

I verified dU_from_dQ!(dQ, U). It works as expected. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

andreasvarga commented 1 year ago

I implemented recently two solvers for Lyapunov-like equations. I also implemented a collection of experimental solvers based on Kronecker product expansions. A new patch release will include these solvers.

blegat commented 1 year ago

These solve my problem, thanks!

andreasvarga commented 1 year ago

Given a Cholesky factorization Q = U'U and a symmetric matrix dQ, I would like to find the matrix dU such that dQ = U' * dU + dU' * U.

For your problem, with U upper triangular and nonsigular, a more efficient solution method, which also ensures that dU is upper triangular, is the following:

using LinearAlgebra
n = 3
dQ = Symmetric(rand(n,n))
U = UpperTriangular(rand(n,n))
dU = 0.5*(U'\dQ)   # determine a particular solution
dUl = tril(dU/U,-1)
z = -dUl+dUl'      # determine a skew-symmetric matrix which makes dU+z*U upper triangular
dU1 = triu(dU+z*U)
andreasvarga commented 10 months ago

Thank you for the detailed answer. I just thought that if U is upper triangular and we want to constraint dU to be upper triangular as well, there is a unique solution. It can even be computed in-place by modifying dQ. See jump-dev/DiffOpt.jl#232 I'll go over the reference to see if they mention that upper triangular case (this is in the context of the revision of Indeed, the one line would work but it would not provide an upper triangular solution.

I wonder if there is a working scheme to determine an upper triangular dU for the case when U is upper triangular but singular.