andreberg / Meslo-Font

Customized version of Apple's Menlo font. Great monospaced font for development work. Should also work with the Windows Console (see Wiki for Windows infos).
2.57k stars 127 forks source link

Very small readme typo #15

Closed celestefox closed 11 years ago

celestefox commented 11 years ago

You say V1.0, V1.0, and then V1.2, skipping over V1.1 (when the dotted zero versions were added). This is just a small fix for that.

andreberg commented 11 years ago

Oh gee.. lemme think... that was quite a while ago. Hmm, I believe I had a v0.1 version that I didn't host on GitHub. When I added the DZ versions I decided to bump it to v1.0. You are right, though v1.1. is missing from my local project structure as well. I am quite certain that is intentional although unfortunately I didn't write down in my changelog why.

I can't really change the version history now, since I would need to change the versioned dist folders in the project as well and that could mess up other open source projects that use a package manager system which expect some specific version at a specific URL.

It is good to know though that there are people who actually read the readme so thumbs up for that :)

celestefox commented 11 years ago

Haha, cool. No problem, sorry for the delay though. Email filters messing up on me. Closing this then.