andreberg / Meslo-Font

Customized version of Apple's Menlo font. Great monospaced font for development work. Should also work with the Windows Console (see Wiki for Windows infos).
2.57k stars 127 forks source link

Archive Broken? #16

Closed mojo706 closed 10 years ago

mojo706 commented 10 years ago

Hello, I have tried 3 times on three different occasions to download the zip archive I even cloned the repo but to no success. Is th archive broken. Please confirm.

andreberg commented 10 years ago

Not to my knowledge, no. Let me try downloading it to confirm...

Just so I understand, because there is more than one way to download:

which ZIP did you download? The zip from the complete repository (e.g. or did you by chance view a version zip as a raw file to download the latest version only (e.g. click View Raw on this page:

mojo706 commented 10 years ago

the first one

andreberg commented 10 years ago

Weird. I have no problems opening the ZIP after I downloaded it with Firefox 23 on OS X. Can you try the second option of my last post?

Let me know if it doesn't work, I can try uploading the ZIP to a cloud sharing service...

mojo706 commented 10 years ago

Hello and thanks for responding. It works now both the first and second option. Must be that I'm on Firefox 25 on Ubuntu, may be something else thanks again. I like the fonts.