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[Dark Planet] Full Game Bounty Request #35

Open oxRainBow opened 3 years ago

oxRainBow commented 3 years ago

Dark Planet is a planetary game based on Rarity. Rarity is a planetary inhabitant. This is a world fighting for energy.

Version 1.0:

  1. summoner is a resident of the planet.
  2. summoner's xp must be greater than 0.
  3. the v1 version only has 8000 summoners.
  4. while the summoner is collecting energy, the summoner's energy may also be plundered.

Detailed rule description:

1.startCollectingEnergy(uint256 rarityID) Become a resident of the planet and start collecting energy. At this time, the user's status is public, and the energy grows with time. The user in the public state is at risk of exposure. The exposed summoner will have a battle. The energy of the winner increases, and the energy of the loser returns to 0, which is a dead state. Users in the dead state can execute the triggerCaptureMechanism function. If the execution is successful, the energy increases, and the dead user will be reactivated and can participate in the energy plundering war again.

2.endCollectingEnergy(uint256 rarityID) Stop collecting energy. At this time, the user's state is hidden, and the energy stops growing. There is no risk of exposure to hidden users.

3.triggerCaptureMechanism(uint256 rarityID) All planet residents can execute this function. Success requires luck. After the capture is successful, the executor's energy increases.

According to the law of the dark forest, users do not know when they will be exposed or who their opponents are. In order to improve the survival rate, users should try their best to increase their energy before exposure. The function will continue until the last 100 people, and the program will stop capturing.

Version 2.0:

In version 1.0, 100 users will be screened out and 100 planets will be derived. The maximum inhabitants of each planet is 10,000. The new planetary energy plundering war has begun. the exposed summoner will have a battle, and the summoner’s attributes and skills will determine the result, The resources of the losing summoner will be plundered. The 2.0 version use land. land is the base layer of DarkPlanet, and its compatibility will be better.

Current progress:

Version 1.0: It has been developed, with 8,000 participating residents, and 298 looted users. Version 1.0 UI:, still under development. Version 1.0: Ready to open the second planet and let more people participate.

Github: Twitter: Discord:

andrecronje commented 3 years ago

Looks good for an expansion bounty, FTM address please!

oxRainBow commented 3 years ago

FTM: 0xd4bBEFeA4095f3eaC7ecbDef49e138431e9227df

iafhurtado commented 3 years ago

Hello, How can I register my summoner into v1?

oxRainBow commented 3 years ago

You can follow Twitter and wait for the news, version 1.0: Ready to open the second planet and let more people participate.

oxRainBow commented 2 years ago

The 2.0 version use land. so, I designed land for DarkPlanet.

Current progress for version 1.0:

1.The front-end is updated for DarkPlanet. 2.The land contract is completed. 3.The front-end is completed for land. 4.Summoners can give their land a name, which is under development. 5.The treasure market is under development, you can see the gold market, high-level summoners, weapons in treasure market. The nft produced by Dark Planet will automatically enter the treasure market. 6.The version 2.0 is being designed for DarkPlanet .

oxRainBow commented 2 years ago

Summary of Recent work:

RarityLand UI v2.0 is finally out. web: Changelog:

DarkPlanet front-end update:

Organize community users to vote to decide: how many summoners a piece of land can hold ? It is over and the function has been implemented.

Add DarkPlanetUserBaseLayer module, it is user base layer of the Dark Planet.

Add DarkPlanetUserShowLayer module, Summoners can use this to view the data of the user's basic layer.

The next module to be released

Land name module

  1. The name is unique.
  2. The summoner can enter the name and move to the land.
  3. The summoner can set a description for his land. The description can be found by name.
  4. The summoner can set a link for his land. It can be a Twitter homepage or something else to promote your land and let more people know about it.
  5. It is erc721 and supports transactions.

I will post it on Twitter as soon as possible.

oxRainBow commented 2 years ago

Progress updates: We're releasing RarityLand's Name Module Summoner can now set a unique name for your land. After receiving the name, summoner can then choose to bind it with summoner's land. It cost 200 gold coins to claim a name for a piece of land.

oxRainBow commented 2 years ago

Progress updates: 1.Summoners can collect fuel here.( 2.We have been designing planets, and planets are coming soon.

oxRainBow commented 2 years ago

I don't know if you've left, but we've been building. Maybe, you should take a look.