As a data provider, I need to have tokens available for each MRN, so that I can share my data in a deidentified manner
The Medical Record Number is an identifier and thereby privacy sensitive. If I want to open up my data to others, such as researchers for secondary use, I need to have tokens (pseudonyms) available so that I can use these to replace the Medical Record Number. These tokens need to be globally unique so that I don't run the risk of using the same token to identify different patients.
[x] Create a list of globally unique tokens for all current and future UHN Medical Record Numbers, which are 7 digits [0..9] with leading zeros allowed
[x] Store the tokens in an RDF store using an ontology
[x] Dump the RDF graph as Turtle and supply it to the cardiac and cancer informatics adminstrators
As a data provider, I need to have tokens available for each MRN, so that I can share my data in a deidentified manner
The Medical Record Number is an identifier and thereby privacy sensitive. If I want to open up my data to others, such as researchers for secondary use, I need to have tokens (pseudonyms) available so that I can use these to replace the Medical Record Number. These tokens need to be globally unique so that I don't run the risk of using the same token to identify different patients.