andredekker / BigMachine

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Cardiac MRN RDF graph to Token RDF graph #7

Open andredekker opened 8 years ago

andredekker commented 8 years ago

Suggested (same for Cancer)

PREFIX roo:<>
PREFIX ncit:<>

INSERT {?token a ncit:C16960. } WHERE 
    SERVICE <http://localhost:9999/bigdata/namespace/MRN/sparql> 
              _:cardiacPatient roo:100042 ?mrn.
    SERVICE <http://localhost:9999/bigdata/namespace/MRN2Token/sparql> 
              _:mrnToken roo:100042 ?mrn.
              ?token roo:100318 _:mrnToken.            
jduhamel commented 8 years ago

As a researcher, I need to have access to the tokens of cardiac patients, I also need the ability to map from a research Token to a MRN patients.

Given a MRN I need to be able to access it's Research token. Given a Research token I need to be able to map back to the MRN

Create a graph that contains MRN from token Create a graph that contains Token from MRN

andredekker commented 8 years ago

Suggested (same for Cancer)

PREFIX roo:<>
PREFIX ncit:<>

INSERT {?token a ncit:C16960. } WHERE 
    SERVICE <http://localhost:9999/bigdata/namespace/MRN/sparql> 
              _:cardiacPatient roo:100042 ?mrn.
    SERVICE <http://localhost:9999/bigdata/namespace/MRN2Token/sparql> 
              _:mrnToken roo:100042 ?mrn.
              ?token roo:100318 _:mrnToken.            