andrefaa / ENMTML

Create Ecological Niche Models with TheMetaLand
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"identicalCRS(x, y) is not TRUE" #320

Open rogervsg opened 3 years ago

rogervsg commented 3 years ago

I've got this error message: Generating masks for species acessible area ... Error in { : task 1 failed - "identicalCRS(x, y) is not TRUE"

And when I call the traceback, it reports:

5: stop(simpleError(msg, call = expr)) 4: e$fun(obj, substitute(ex), parent.frame(), e$data) 3: foreach(i = 1:length(M_list), .packages = c("raster")) %dopar% { if (Buffer_Opt == 2) { M <- dismo::circles(M_list[[i]], d = BufferDistanceKm, lonlat = T) } else { M <- dismo::circles(M_list[[i]], d = BufferDistanceKm[i], lonlat = T) } Filter <- sp::over(varCord, M@polygons) M <- varCord$Cell[which(] M2 <- var M2[M] <- NA M2 raster::writeRaster(M2, paste(Dir_M, paste(names(M_list[i]), ".tif", sep = ""), sep = "/"), format = "GTiff", overwrite = T) } 2: M_delimited(var = envT, occ_xy = occ_xy, method = sp_accessible_area["method"], BufferDistanceKm = NULL, EcoregionsFile = NULL, Dir = DirR, spN = spN, SaveM = TRUE, Buffer_Opt = as.numeric(sp_accessible_area["type"]), cores = cores) 1: ENMTML(pred_dir = "C:/Users/MASTER/Google Drive/Papers em andamento/João/Distilia - Pescan/enm/resample", proj_dir = NULL, occ_file = "C:/Users/MASTER/Google Drive/Papers em andamento/João/Distilia - Pescan/enm/data/data_cerrado.txt", sp = "species", x = "x", y = "y", min_occ = 1, thin_occ = c(method = "MORAN"), eval_occ = NULL, colin_var = c(method = "VIF"), imp_var = FALSE, sp_accessible_area = c(method = "BUFFER", type = "1"), pseudoabs_method = c(method = "RND"), pres_abs_ratio = 1, part = c(method = "BOOT", replicates = "2", proportion = "0.7"), save_part = FALSE, save_final = TRUE, algorithm = c("BIO", "ENF", "MXD", "SVM", "BRT", "GAM", "GAU"), thr = c(type = "LPT"), msdm = c(method = "PRES"), ensemble = NULL, extrapolation = FALSE, cores = 2)

Someone could help me with this issue?

dannyvelezv commented 2 years ago

Hi, I got the same error: "Error in { : task 1 failed - "identicalCRS(x, y) is not TRUE" running ENTMTML on Linux.

Did you solve that error rogeriovictorsg?

THccaa commented 2 years ago

Probably not relevant for you anymore, but maybe someone runs into the same issue:

From the error message, I would guess that the input rasters in "pred_dir" do not have the same projection (CRS). The projection can be checked by:
