Open THccaa opened 2 years ago
I ran into this error:
1] "1 species_1" [1] "2 species_2" N.grid cellSize.pp. Imoran.Grid.P Eucl.Grid.P Sd.Grid.P 14 14 0.3827586 0.215 0.669 0.157 N.grid cellSize.pp. Imoran.Grid.P Eucl.Grid.P Sd.Grid.P 4 4 0.1011494 0.246 0.679 0.013 Error in { : task 1 failed - "attempt to set 'colnames' on an object with less than two dimensions"
When running traceback(), I get these results:
5: stop(simpleError(msg, call = expr)) 4: e$fun(obj, substitute(ex), parent.frame(), e$data) 3: foreach(s = 1:length(RecordsData), .packages = c("raster", "dismo", "rgdal"), .export = c("inv_bio", "inv_geo", "KM_BLOCK", "OptimRandomPoints")) %dopar% { rgdal::setCPLConfigOption("GDAL_PAM_ENABLED", "FALSE") print(paste(s, SpNames[s])) presences <- RecordsData[[s]] mask2 <- mask mask2[] <- 0 presences2 <- data.frame(pa = c(rep(1, nrow(presences))), presences) sp::coordinates(presences2) = presences2[, c("x", "y")] raster::crs(presences2) <- raster::projection(mask) DIM <- matrix(0, length(cellSize), 2) colnames(DIM) <- c("R", "C") DIM part <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow(presences2@data), nrow(DIM))) part2 <- list() for (i in 1:length(cellSize)) { mask3 <- mask2 res(mask3) <- cellSize[i] ... 2: BlockPartition_TMLA(evnVariables = envT, RecordsData = occ_xy, N = 2, pseudoabsencesMethod = pseudoabs_method["method"], PrAbRatio = pres_abs_ratio, DirSave = DirB, DirM = DirM, MRst = sp_accessible_area["method"], type = TipoMoran, Geo_Buf = Geo_Buf, cores = cores) 1: ENMTML(pred_dir = "./Predictions/", proj_dir = NULL, result_dir = "ENM_Results", occ_file = "Occurrences/occurences_SAH.txt", "Species", "Longitude", "Latitude", min_occ = 10, thin_occ = NULL, eval_occ = NULL, colin_var = c(method = "PEARSON", threshold = "0.7"), imp_var = TRUE, sp_accessible_area = c(method = "BUFFER", type = "1"), pseudoabs_method = c(method = "GEO_ENV_KM_CONST", width = "50"), pres_abs_ratio = 1, part = c(method = "BLOCK"), save_part = T, save_final = TRUE, algorithm = c("SVM", "RDF", "MXD"), thr = c(type = "MAX_TSS"), msdm = NULL, ensemble = NULL, extrapolation = FALSE, cores = 2)
Unfortunately, that does not tell me anything. I do not understand which object is supposed to have more than two dimensions and, more importantly, why it doesn't have two or how to find it out.
I'd be glad to hear some ideas. Thanks
I ran into this error:
When running traceback(), I get these results:
Unfortunately, that does not tell me anything. I do not understand which object is supposed to have more than two dimensions and, more importantly, why it doesn't have two or how to find it out.
I'd be glad to hear some ideas. Thanks