andrei-tatar / node-red-contrib-nora

Node Red Google Home integration
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Nora service dead ? #49

Open polarix2017 opened 4 years ago

polarix2017 commented 4 years ago

Multiple message received from nora elements in node red: "socket connection error: not authorized".

Furthermore i cannot revoke node-red token:

andrei-tatar commented 4 years ago

You need to update the token in Node-RED with a new one from

Also, you need to unlink NORA (in your Google Home app) and link it again.

Wireheadbe commented 4 years ago

Hi Andrei, many thanks for your service. I generated a new token and off it goes again. Excellent. I donated a while a go. Should your service once change "model" - is there a way you can contact existing users?

maximilian1001 commented 4 years ago

You need to update the token in Node-RED with a new one from

Also, you need to unlink NORA (in your Google Home app) and link it again.

Thank you very much! Did you change something? All of my friends that use nora lost their connection today.

andrei-tatar commented 4 years ago

Yes, a few things changed: -ids presented to google are now a combination of group + node id (before this it would be possible to get conflicts across different node-red instances) -preparation for local execution ( -all the security keys have been changed

Wireheadbe commented 4 years ago

Am I correct in assuming that the local execution would mean, that a cloud based "in-between" layer wouldn't be needed anymore? This would lower latency even more, correct?

andrei-tatar commented 4 years ago

Am I correct in assuming that the local execution would mean, that a cloud based "in-between" layer wouldn't be needed anymore?

Not as it's designed to work right now. It's more of a shortcut. Maybe Google will change it in the future.

This would lower latency even more, correct?


Sm1thson commented 4 years ago

Glad to see its all running, had me worried when it went down. Keys reassigned and all is good.

cheesedasher commented 4 years ago

Hi Andrei, trying to login to obtain a new token but the page just sits at Select sign in method after I have selected to login via Github

andrei-tatar commented 4 years ago

@somehotdogman Seems to work fine for me. Did you see the github page asking you to approve?

cheesedasher commented 4 years ago

@andrei-tatar not sure what the problem was exactly but I put it down to a browser issue. Thank you. Keep up the good work!

VolkerKa commented 4 years ago

Hi Andrei, thank you so much for your great Work, i have updated the Token and all works great!!! 👍

chricka commented 4 years ago

Hi Andrei, trying to login to obtain a new token but the page just sits at Select sign in method after I have selected to login via Github

Same for me. Tried multiple browsers and other internet connections. image

andrei-tatar commented 4 years ago

@chricka weird. Any errors in the browser dev console? no idea what could be happening. it's the firebase login integration.

chricka commented 4 years ago

@andrei-tatar This is from dev console. Don't know if it will help. image

andrei-tatar commented 4 years ago

nope.. not much details :(

sniperxnl commented 4 years ago

Same problem for me, unlinked Nora, try to link again then get the message provider data cannot be found, this appear after i login with my email adres what i also use to get the token link

Wireheadbe commented 4 years ago

just chiming in, but my Nora still works :)

chricka commented 4 years ago

Ok, if I tried signing in with my google account instead of my GitHub account and it worked :) I would prefer to have it connected to my Github but this will work for now. Thanks for a fantastic application!

mvujica commented 4 years ago

Can you please close this issue? Thanks.

svrooij commented 4 years ago

@andrei-tatar This is from dev console. Don't know if it will help. image

This has something to do with the chromium browser, see