andrei-tatar / node-red-contrib-nora

Node Red Google Home integration
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Two-factor authentication #58

Open jvondrus opened 4 years ago

jvondrus commented 4 years ago

Allow enable Two-factor authentication on the lock and garage devices if they are controlled by Google Assistant (it's not authentication for inputs by Node-RED). It's not required any change on server service. Supported authentication:

jvondrus commented 4 years ago

One improvement / fix at ...ts files:

pin: ( config.twoFactor && config.twoFactorMode === 'pin') ? (Math.floor(config.twoFactorPin)+'') : undefined,

andrei-tatar commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the contribution. The reason I didn't endup adding it in the node-red plugin (even though it is already supported by the service) is that I wanted it to be more generic, not specific to any kind of node.

I was actually thinking of adding it as part as the group config, so each node that's in a group, will use the specified 2FA method. So if you want devices with 2FA, you just create a new nora-config with the same token, different group name and setup 2FA options in that node, so all the nodes that will be using this config, will also use 2FA.

jvondrus commented 4 years ago

2FA method with groups is really good idea, better than settings it on each device.

cookemmm commented 4 years ago

any update on this being implemented?