andrei-zgirvaci / Twitch-Farmer

A bot that helps you to get more followers on Twitch
135 stars 38 forks source link

IndentationError #5

Closed henry10222 closed 6 years ago

henry10222 commented 6 years ago

After starting it with cmd I got this error.

File "", line 166 print ("Bot Stopped!!!") ^ IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

andrei-zgirvaci commented 6 years ago

Thank you, It should be fixed now

henry10222 commented 6 years ago

Got a problem with Login. He start the Chrome Browser but there is a captcha and I cant get it.

andrei-zgirvaci commented 6 years ago

Try to use a different proxy, usually, if you use a good proxy, you shouldn't have any problems.

The project is deprecated and I don't have time now to dig dipper into the problem and fix it. But thanks for notifying me about the issue. I hope you can fix it and if you do, please also pull a request with the fix, It will be much appreciated! 👍

andrei-zgirvaci commented 6 years ago

@henry10222 It's been a while since your issue but I have just released the 2.0 version, have a look and see if you have that issue anymore.