andrei1058 / HandyOrbs

A Minecraft Spigot plugin. Orbs that do things around the server like planting crops, nether warts, help players in pvp, etc.
MIT License
4 stars 3 forks source link

Orb Base #1

Open andrei1058 opened 3 years ago

andrei1058 commented 3 years ago

General Observations

  1. Orb activity should stop when its chunk is unloaded
  2. Orb activity should start back when its chunk its loaded
  3. Each orb should have its own configuration file since you can register orbs trough the API. New orbs should have their configuration added here.

Base methods

Old config migration no migration

deactivate-radius is no longer needed. Orbs will remain active until chunks get unloaded.
orb-removal-listener is no longer needed. New orbs shouldn't get removed by clear lagg etc.
use-crafting-recipes waiting for more details about what it does from the original developer.
open-own-orbs-menu-permission to be removed. New approach: register usage permission that can be negated.
open-other-orbs-menu-permission waiting for more details about what it does from the original developer.
open-get-menu-permission to be removed. Permission registered by default for players. (so it can be negated).
give-permission to be removed.
handyorbs-description to be removed. It will be locale based.
handyorbs-player-description to be removed. It will be locale based.
handyorbs-get-description to be removed. It will be locale based.
handyorbs-give-description to be removed. It will be locale based.
given-orb-message //
no-permission-message //
can-not-find-player-message //
player-has-no-orbs //
orb-with-owner-display-name // keep owner placeholder requirement
not-enough-space-to-place //
other-orb-too-near //
can-not-claim-message //
orb-limit-reached-message //
bypass-claim-permission - no need to keep it in config.
extra-admin-limit-reach-message - relocate in locale. not sure if needed. admin orbs should not transform in server orbs because they may want to play like survival. Server orbs should be retrieved via custom command or something different.
teleport-own-orb-permission - no need to be in config
teleport-other-orb-permission //

New configuration

distance-between-orbs - distance required to be able to place a new orb.