andreikop / enki

A text editor for programmers
GNU General Public License v2.0
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(Feature Request) Theming #475

Open agoodfellow123 opened 2 years ago

agoodfellow123 commented 2 years ago

Hello there, recently installed enki, It has everything I want from a modern text editor and more. Except for one thing, theme selection for the text interface. A default dark theme and editable themes feature would be awesome to have. It doesn't have to be all that fancy with a gui or any of that. Just a plain editable style sheet file will be more than enough for me. I personally use breeze dark but some other defaults like adwaita would make enki richer.

dglent commented 2 years ago

I am not fun of dark themes because (personal préférence) it is hard/agressive for the eyes. I have tried almost all editors and i find that the enki's color scheme is just the best of all.

And of course other caractéristiques which allow me to do things fast. I cannot understand why enki is not very attractive for a big number of devs. I have discussed this in à forum (Greek) and they told me that thé pycharm cover all enki's caractéristiques and the features/behavour/aspect (as well as the syntax highlighting) that i cannot find as i want in other editors but enki are "sub-optimales".

Maybe it is truth or partial truth, but especialy the code coloring smoothness it is for me the only that helps me to code better faster and more confortable.

andreikop commented 2 years ago

Hi I'm glad that you use and generally like Enki. Unfortunately now I can not actively develop it, so it is unlikely to have themes support soon.

agoodfellow123 commented 2 years ago

I see, thank you both for the clarification. Can you direct me to the source code that has the color data? Maybe I can change it myself.

dglent commented 2 years ago

Andrei, could you activate the Discussions section, so we can discuss for enki's evolution/development ? It would be more suitable than the issues section, as we can express opinions in a less formal way Thanks

andreikop commented 2 years ago

@dglent done

andreikop commented 2 years ago

@agoodfellow123 ,

agoodfellow123 commented 2 years ago

Sadly, changing the color theme file permanently broke enki, even after changing it back it does not work anymore. This one is entirely my fault so I'm not gonna bother you with the error message. I'll try to find a solution.