andreimoment / tangomanual

An Open Source Approach to learning and teaching Tango based on curriculum developed by Mitra Martin
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1-B Shadow Legs (notes from first session) #93

Open Tommykurtsmith opened 7 years ago

Tommykurtsmith commented 7 years ago

These are notes from running these for the first time with my "seed" p2p group. I had 6 intermediate-level students and instructed them to read through the mission then attempt to teach it to their partner, with me answering questions and helping out.

-Goal we settled on "The goal of this exercise is to teach students to extend before moving." Some debate on whether to bring up different technique for forward steps here or in the next mission.

mitramartin commented 7 years ago

Hi @Tommykurtsmith !

Have been exploring ways to simplify this mission. The essence of it is basically:

Hope this makes sense? Revising the mission to reflect. This is a complex but important mission and the right words will really set the ground for it. Thanks, Mitra